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Affichage de 1091 résultats
description archivistique164 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
05/05/94 Debra Sparrow weaving interview with Jill Baird. Mask 20/05/94 First Nations Educational Program at MOA
05/05/94 Debra Sparrow weaving interview with Jill Baird. Mask 20/05/94 First Nations Educational Program at MOA
1.) Africa Awareness Week - Talent Contest 0-26min and 2.) Peking Opera Workshop 2004 26min - 1:42 (Little Pear Garden Collective)
1.) Africa Awareness Week - Talent Contest 0-26min and 2.) Peking Opera Workshop 2004 26min - 1:42 (Little Pear Garden Collective)
#1 Musqueam Internship Trip to National Museum of Natural History History in Washington, D.C. and the National Museum of the American Indian Grand Opening
#1 Musqueam Internship Trip to National Museum of Natural History History in Washington, D.C. and the National Museum of the American Indian Grand Opening
1991 A Coat of Many Colours School Materials
1991 A Coat of Many Colours School Materials
1993 Land of Dreams School Program
1993 Land of Dreams School Program
1st Michael Ames Memorial Lecture given by Dr. Paul Tapsell
1st Michael Ames Memorial Lecture given by Dr. Paul Tapsell
#2 Musqueam Internship Trip to National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.
#2 Musqueam Internship Trip to National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.
2010 Reopening Celebrations
2010 Reopening Celebrations
#3 Musqueam Internship Trip to National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.
#3 Musqueam Internship Trip to National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.
A Dialogue of Cities
A Dialogue of Cities
A Dialogue of Cities Louise Noelle Gras Mexico
A Dialogue of Cities Louise Noelle Gras Mexico
A Dialogue of Cities Public Dialogue June 3/06 Pt1 60mins
A Dialogue of Cities Public Dialogue June 3/06 Pt1 60mins
A Dialogue of Cities Public Dialogue June 3/06 Pt2 60mins
A Dialogue of Cities Public Dialogue June 3/06 Pt2 60mins
A Dialogue of Cities Speakers Part 1 and Part 2
A Dialogue of Cities Speakers Part 1 and Part 2
A Matter of Taste
A Matter of Taste
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 1091