Affichage de 3016 résultats

description archivistique
MOA General Media collection
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MOA General Media collection
MOA General Media collection
Early MOA activities and curatorial research
Early MOA activities and curatorial research
Town at the head of the inlet
Town at the head of the inlet
House post
House post
[Carved house post] Kwakiutl Northern Heiltsuk Owikeno
[Carved house post] Kwakiutl Northern Heiltsuk Owikeno
Oweekeno women preparing fish
Oweekeno women preparing fish
House of Chief Albert Harry
House of Chief Albert Harry
Raven pole re-erected as memorial pole
Raven pole re-erected as memorial pole
MOA Activities, 1976 and later
MOA Activities, 1976 and later
Audrey Hawthorn Slide Binders
Audrey Hawthorn Slide Binders
Binder 1
Binder 1
UBC and Musqueam Officials at a Ceremony
UBC and Musqueam Officials at a Ceremony
Mungo Martin
Mungo Martin
Mungo Martin working on a totem pole
Mungo Martin working on a totem pole
Mungo Martin working on a totem pole
Mungo Martin working on a totem pole
Mungo Martin and Charles Docherty working on a totem pole
Mungo Martin and Charles Docherty working on a totem pole
Mungo Martin painting a totem pole
Mungo Martin painting a totem pole
Totem poles restored by Mungo Martin
Totem poles restored by Mungo Martin
Mungo Martin adzing a totem pole
Mungo Martin adzing a totem pole
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 3016