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archivistische beschrijving
MOA General Media collection
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2766 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Haida House

A Haida-style house and totem pole. This is not the Haida house located at the Museum of Anthropology.

Flooded town

A flooded town in Asia. It is unknown when this photograph was taken, where it was taken, or why it was included in the collection.

Burnett collection in old library

Collection of artefacts from Oceania collected by Frank Burnett during his travels in the region. He donated this collection to UBC. This collection was the basis upon which the Museum of Anthropology was developed.

Opening of Totem Park

Opening of Totem Park. The date given on the slide label is incorrect. People in the photograph from viewer's left: Rev. Peter R. Kelly (the Haida ordained minister and Indigenous political leader,) Hunter Lewis, UBC Chancellor Eric Hamber, Mungo Martin, UBC Chancellor Norman Mackenzie, Abaya Martin.

Duplicate of image a043158.

Opening of Totem Pole Park July

Opening of Totem Park. The date given on the slide label is incorrect. People in the photograph from viewer's left: Rev. Peter R. Kelly (the Haida ordained minister and Indigenous political leader,) Hunter Lewis, UBC Chancellor Eric Hamber, Mungo Martin, UBC Chancellor Norman Mackenzie, Abaya Martin.

Duplicate of image a043159.

Resultaten 1 tot 20 van 3016