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- 1981
Includes copy of the publication Yaxwatlan’s, by Jay Powell, Vickie Jensen, Agnes Cranmer, and Margeret Cook.
Alert Bay : U’Mista Cultural Society, 1981
Learning Kwak’wala series : book 12
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Includes copy of the publication Yaxwatlan’s, by Jay Powell, Vickie Jensen, Agnes Cranmer, and Margeret Cook.
Alert Bay : U’Mista Cultural Society, 1981
Learning Kwak’wala series : book 12
Includes copy of the publication Workbook 8, by Jay Powell, Vickie Jensen, Agnes Cranmer, and Margeret Cook.
Alert Bay : U’Mista Cultural Society, 1981
Learning Kwak’wala series : book 11
Includes copy of the publication Workbook 7, by Jay Powell, Vickie Jensen, Agnes Cranmer, and Margeret Cook.
Alert Bay : U’Mista Cultural Society, 1981
Learning Kwak’wala series : book 10
Includes copy of the publication Workbook 6, by Jay Powell, Vickie Jensen, Agnes Cranmer, and Margeret Cook.
Alert Bay : U’Mista Cultural Society, 1981
Learning Kwak’wala series : book 9
Word roots taken from the Dictionary
File consists of handwritten notes of word roots taken from the Dictionary, and a Memorex disc of the same.
Woodruff family heir ship materials
Wilson Duff's study of the territory of the Southern Kwakiutl
Where The People Gather reviews
File consists of invitations for and announcements of book launch events for "Where the People Gather: Carving a Totem Pole," event announcement for Vickie Jensen describing the totem pole carving process, announcement of the book as a finalist for 1993 B.C. Book Prize, and copies of reviews of the book including: Curator, American Indian Culture and Research Journal, American Indian Quarterly, Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Indian-Artifact Magazine, Museum Anthropology, The Bloomsbury Review, The Seattle Times, The Examiner, the Victoria Times - Colonist, The Indian Trader, The Tides, Native Peoples, and The Western Library.
Where the People Gather recordings
Subseries consists of audio recordings and transcripts of interviews regarding totem poles, speakers include Norman Tait, Hope Allen Tait, Wayne Young, Robert "Chip" Tait, Howard Green, Isaac Tait, and Reva Robinson.
Where the People Gather publication images
File consists of images printed for an intial copy of Where the People Gather.
Where the People Gather Project
This series consists of records relating to the creation of Vickie Jensen's publication, Where the People Gather: Carving a Totem Pole (1992).
Records include draft text, research notes, notes on Nisg̱a’a language, recordings of interviews (and their transcripts) with Northwest Coast carvers and particularly Norman Tait, materials for exhibition and book launch events, reviews and advertisements of the publication, and interviews and images regarding the Tait Canoe Project of 1986.
Where the people gather documents and photographs
Subseries consists of documents and photographs relating to the research, writing, and publication of Where the People Gather: Carving a Totem Pole (1992). Records include: permission forms, draft text, correspondence, book reviews, event records, research materials, and author notes.
Where the people gather: carving a totem pole
Includes copy of the publication Where the people gather: carving a totem pole, by Vickie Jensen.
Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, 1992
Western Gitxsan, Kitwancool - Field Notes
File consists of notebooks on Gitxsan grammer and vocab, with informants Solomon Marsden, Ivan Good, Maggie Good, and Cindy Morgan, in Kitwancool, Kitwanga, and Kitsegukla.
Western Gitxsan school photographs
File consists of photographs of school children, activities, and classroom scenes in the Western Gitxsan villages of Kitwancool (Gitanyow), Kitwanga (Gitwangak) and Gitsegukla (formerly Kitsegukla).
Consists of photographs, in the form of negatives, prints and slides, taken during the period that Jensen and Powell lived and worked in the Western Gitxsan villages. The images include photographs that were used to illustrate the language books being produced, and other photographs that documented the culture and way of living in these communities.
Western Gitxsan language books
File consists of photographs taken for possible use in the Gitxsan language education booked published by Jensen and Powell.
File consists of photographs of people, places, and events in the Western Gitxsan villages of Kitwancool (Gitanyow), Kitwanga (Gitwangak) and Gitsegukla (formerly Kitsegukla) during the time that Jensen and Powell lived there.
Western Gitxsan dance practice
File consists of photographs of traditional dance practices in the Western region of the Gitxsan territory.
We're Rapping - a big book of things you say to your friends