[Back of photograph of Bill Reid's mother]
[Children in canoe]
[Back of photograph of Bill Reid and his grandfather]
[Children in canoe]
Bill Reid's Mother
Bill Reid and his grandfather Charles Gladstone
Photographs of Bill Reid and his works
Photographs of Bill Reid and his works
[Bill Reid holding art work)
Jewelry - containers
Jewelry - containers
Ivory and argillite totem poles
Ivory and argillite totem poles
Ivory and argillite brooch
Ivory and argillite brooch
Exhibits and events
Exhibits and events
Bill Reid
Bill Reid
[Bill Reid next to artwork]
Jewelry - brooches
Jewelry - brooches
Vancouver Museum
Vancouver Museum
British Museum
British Museum
CMC archives photo collection
CMC archives photo collection
United Church Archives materials UBC
United Church Archives materials UBC
Projects and events
Projects and events