[Back of photograph of Bill Reid's mother]
[Children in canoe]
[Back of photograph of Bill Reid and his grandfather]
[Children in canoe]
Bill Reid's Mother
Bill Reid and his grandfather Charles Gladstone
[Bill Reid holding art work)
Ivory and argillite totem poles
Ivory and argillite totem poles
Ivory and argillite brooch
Ivory and argillite brooch
[Bill Reid next to artwork]
CMC archives photo collection
CMC archives photo collection
[Bill Reid next to artwork]
Photographs taken by Bill Reid
Photographs taken by Bill Reid
Makah Indians
Makah Indians
Coast Salish canoe racing
Coast Salish canoe racing
Vickie Jensen
Vickie Jensen
Barbeau Nass River photos
Barbeau Nass River photos
Robert Davidson – gold raven; “Raven Bringing Light”
Robert Davidson – gold raven; “Raven Bringing Light”
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda
Bill Reid with Raven in MOA Rotunda