Subseries contains mainly digital files with some accompanying textual records of records which mostly pertain to ideas that McLennan had for books he wanted to write. In some cases an actual book was created and published, and in other cases a book was printed (not published) to show perspective donors. Potential book subjects are listed as follows: argillite, Charles Edenshaw [file contains an assemblage of digital images that could be used in a publication], Edenshaw exhibit [file contains records related to the Edenshaw exhibit “Signed Without Signature”], Explorers [notes for the beginning of an idea for a book], Gisaxstala, MOA books [these books were made as talking pieces to show prospective sponsors of gallery space what could be done in the galleries, and what had not yet been done], Port Essington, Raven Rattle, Seeing, Thinking, Serenipitous Assembly, Site Specific, Weavers Workshop. Other subjects included in this subseries pertain to book ideas or contacts who would have been interested in sponsoring book including Elspeth McConnell and Michael Audain.