Affichage de 1816 résultats

description archivistique
Anthony Carter fonds Anglais
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1521 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Golden spruce

Image of a spruce tree in a forest, possibly the golden spruce tree that used to stand on Haida Gwaii.

Sans titre


Image of a rocky beach and tide pools near the site of the Skedans village that once existed on Haida Gwaii.

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Image of a small inlet with a boat in the water. The image is taken from a forested area near the water's edge, somewhere near the Skedans village site.

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Skidegate scenery

Image of brush and trees on an embankment above the water, with hills visible in the background on the other side of the water. Image likely taken in or near Skidegate.

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Masset copper

Image of a painted piece of metal, showing a face and hands.

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Anthony Island (Ninstins) possible resident

Portrait of a man standing outside a wooden shack located in a forest (on Anthony Island?). A large tree is behind him. Various tools and other objects are scattered across the area near the shack.

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Image taken in the edge of a forest, possibly showing some old totem poles.

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Image of structural or totem pole remains at the Tah-noo village site.

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Yan village remains

Image of tree trunks, or possibly structural remains, at the Yan village site on Haida Gwaii.

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Yan possible structural remains

Image of structural remains at the Yan village site on Haida Gwaii. This image shows a close up of a log carved with a structural support.

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Yan village remains

Image of the remains of what appears to have been wooden gateway at the Yan village site on Haida Gwaii. To the front of the structure is a tall grassy area; to the rear is forested area.

Sans titre

Résultats 1 à 20 sur 1816