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Wilson Duff fonds
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Tsimshian and Tillamook Coast Salish songs recorded by Dr. Viola Garfield

Item is a recording with two distinct parts. The first part of the recording features Tsimshian songs recorded in 1932 by the American anthropologist Dr. Viola Garfield (1899-1983) of the University of Washington. The songs in this recording were sung by Lewis Grey (1857-1934) who was born in Port Simpson and was recognized as a shaman by the Nass River tribes and upper Skeen River people. The cylinder number referenced during the recording is #14573. The Dr. Viola Garfield fonds is housed at the University of Washington Special Collections. She carried out field work in the summer of 1932, 1935 and 1937 at the Tsimshian village of Port Simpson, British Columbia. An Ediphone machine provided by the University of Washington Anthropology Department was used to record and store the songs on wax cylinders, which were deposited at the University. The recordings were transferred to the open reel format in 1971. More information is available in Dr. Viola Garfield's book Tsimshian Clan and Society (1939), available in the MOA Reading Room, call number 12.7 TSI GAR.

The second portion of the recording starts at 8:26, when an unidentified male speaker states that the remainder of the tape are Tilamook recordings made by Prof Melville Jacobs of the University of Washington recorded in the Winter of 1933 using an Ediphone cylinder. The speaker states that the first three songs are Tillamook Coast Salish North West Orgeon songs, sung by Clara Pearson, the informant of Elizabeth Jacobs in late 1933, and recorded at Garibaldi, Oregon. The speaker states that two songs are possibly in one of the Muckleshoot Reservation dialects. The speaker states that Song 1, Tit Willow, is possibly sung by the American anthropologist Dr. Erna Gunther.

Accompanying documentation for this recording contains the following text:
B. Johnstone, November 15, 1971
Tsimshian Songs Recorded by Viola Garfield
Tape Two
000 - Song #18 - Louis Gray - Taunting Song
100 - Song #19 - Louis Gray - Nursing Song
145 - Song #20 - Louis Gray - Dancing Society song
180 - Tillamook recordings made by Jacobs in Garabaldi, Ore., 1933.
Ni-sgane’-s are a ganhada chief house of the ginad‚iks tribe

Site visit notes

Series consists of notes Duff took while visiting First Nations communities. The materials consist of handwritten notes by Duff concerning totem poles, carvers, language and social organization of the communities. There are also some notes of conversations with community members or stories recounted by them.

Photographs from Barbeau’s “Totem Poles” and other images

Primarily photographs used in Marius Barbeau’s book “Totem Poles” (Vols. 1 and 2), published in 1950 -1951. Although these are copies of published images, they have been retained for reference purposes. The sub-series also contains some unidentified photographs. These photographs were accessioned into the fonds in 2002. It is unclear how Duff acquired these photographs.

General notes

Sub-series consists of records created and collected by Duff for his lectures including handwritten and typed notes, articles, and reports on a variety of subjects.

Creative writing

Creative works written by Duff during his lifetime. Works include rough and completed drafts of poems and short stories.

Posthumous writings on Duff

Series consists of creative works written about Duff after his death, as well as a book of unpublished writings of Duff (Birds of Paradox). Works include rough and completed drafts of poems, short stories, articles, essays, a book and an opera.

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