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descrição arquivísticaFuneral feast, Wawiskas hall.
Funeral feast, Wawiskas hall.
Funeral feast, Wawiskas hall.
Funeral feast, Wawiskas hall.
Gordon and Louanne Houston fonds
Gordon and Louanne Houston fonds
Funeral feast, Wawiskas hall.
Funeral feast, Wawiskas hall.
Maxwell and Cathy Brown Wedding - Susan Walkus dances
Maxwell and Cathy Brown Wedding - Susan Walkus dances
Cyril Carpenter talking [blessing Ceremony for the two Gi’wa logs]
Cyril Carpenter talking [blessing Ceremony for the two Gi’wa logs]
Blessing Ceremony for Gi’wa logs. Kids watching.
Blessing Ceremony for Gi’wa logs. Kids watching.
Last remnants of board walk.
Last remnants of board walk.
Sports Day ribbons [on children]
Sports Day ribbons [on children]
Sports day parade ["Lazy Dazy flower children"]
Sports day parade ["Lazy Dazy flower children"]
Shirl Hall paints Gi'wa bow
Shirl Hall paints Gi'wa bow
Gi'wa in shed at beach - Marshall Windsor
Gi'wa in shed at beach - Marshall Windsor
Gi’wa launching ceremony - Granny B. (Beatrice Brown)
Gi’wa launching ceremony - Granny B. (Beatrice Brown)
Gi’wa launching ceremony - Moses [Huwchitt] (David Gladstone on left)
Gi’wa launching ceremony - Moses [Huwchitt] (David Gladstone on left)
Carving-Deer Pass grave site
Carving-Deer Pass grave site
Gi’wa Conclusion Ceremony - April Reid leads
Gi’wa Conclusion Ceremony - April Reid leads
Gi’wa Conclusion Ceremony - clown
Gi’wa Conclusion Ceremony - clown
Paul and Shirley Thompson Potlatch - Peter Houston and local kids
Paul and Shirley Thompson Potlatch - Peter Houston and local kids
Maxwell and Cathy Brown Wedding.
Maxwell and Cathy Brown Wedding.
Blessing Ceremony for the two Gi’wa logs
Blessing Ceremony for the two Gi’wa logs
Resultados 1 a 20 de 80