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Showing 80 results
Archival descriptionFuneral feast, Wawiskas hall.
Funeral feast, Wawiskas hall.
Funeral feast, Wawiskas hall.
Funeral feast, Wawiskas hall.
Gordon and Louanne Houston fonds
Gordon and Louanne Houston fonds
Gi'wa in shed at beach - Marshall Windsor
Gi'wa in shed at beach - Marshall Windsor
Sports Day parade
Sports Day parade
Sports Day parade in front of Dental Clinic and R.W. Large Hospital
Sports Day parade in front of Dental Clinic and R.W. Large Hospital
Sports Day - Gi'wa canoe [and?] Delbert Reid
Sports Day - Gi'wa canoe [and?] Delbert Reid
Sports day parade
Sports day parade
Sports day parade ["Lazy Dazy flower children"]
Sports day parade ["Lazy Dazy flower children"]
Sports Day ribbons [on children]
Sports Day ribbons [on children]
Seaweed drying
Seaweed drying
Liz and Don Wilson stringing oolichaas for smoking (from Bella Coola)
Liz and Don Wilson stringing oolichaas for smoking (from Bella Coola)
Cemetery at Old Town - Wolf Girl headstone detail
Cemetery at Old Town - Wolf Girl headstone detail
Cemetery at Old Town - Utensils at grave
Cemetery at Old Town - Utensils at grave
Salmon berries [children picking]
Salmon berries [children picking]
Totem pole – Storey Point, Bella Bella
Totem pole – Storey Point, Bella Bella
Totem pole – Storey Point, Bella Bella
Totem pole – Storey Point, Bella Bella
Moses Hamchitt in Lootaas canoe
Moses Hamchitt in Lootaas canoe
Cyril Carpenter talking [blessing Ceremony for the two Gi’wa logs]
Cyril Carpenter talking [blessing Ceremony for the two Gi’wa logs]
Longhouse remains – Deer Pass Narrows – corner post
Longhouse remains – Deer Pass Narrows – corner post
Results 1 to 20 of 80