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archivistische beschrijving
Elizabeth Lominska Johnson
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Subseries consists of a record relating to Elizabeth Johnson’s activities as instructor for Anthropology 302. Record consists of a lecture outline.

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Hakka Mountain songs and laments collection

  • 137
  • Collectie
  • 1976 - [200-]

Collection consists of six compact discs with recordings of Hakka Mountain songs and laments, sung by Mrs. Yau Chan Shek-ying in 1976, along with accompanying documentation. Documentation includes lists of recordings with song descriptions, song translations/transcriptions, a photograph and bio of the singer, and articles collected by Elizabeth Lominska Johnson. The songs were sung in an older dialect of Hakka. Song types include marriage laments, mountain songs, and funeral laments.

Hakka mountain, or Hakka hill songs, are rural songs sung in the Hakka language by the Hakka people of Southern China. The songs vary in theme/subject, and exist as a kind of oral literature and/or communication at a distance.

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Chinese Peasant Textiles Art: Kwantung and Szechuan Provinces

Subseries consists of records relating to the exhibit, “Chinese Peasant Textiles Art.” This exhibit was proposed by Elizabeth Johnson and carried out by students. Records include notes, excerpts from articles, visitor survey forms, handwritten notations, hand-drawn diagrams of display cases, proposals and budgets.

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Textile Access Project

Subseries consists of the project proposal and contact sheets and negatives. The subseries also includes copied sketches detailing the exhibit space.

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Staff retreat notes

Subseries consists of records relating to staff retreats from 1978 to 1982. The records included in this series are notes.

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Exhibit Ideas

Subseries consists of one file of memos and notes relating to various undeveloped ideas for exhibition of material drawn from the museums textile collection.

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Textile Exhibit

Subseries consists of one file of correspondence, memos, notes, 3 contact sheets accompanied by negatives relating to a proposed exhibition of textile from Tibet and Turkistan.

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Door Gods

Subseries consists of one file of notes and correspondence relating to a proposed exhibition of Chinese wood block prints.

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Open House, 1987

The records in this series refer to an event hosted by MOA in March 1987 which consisted of three days of performances, demonstrations and small exhibits. The records in this subseries include a draft of exhibit text, correspondence and handwritten notes.

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MOA volunteer training

Subseries consists of records relating to MOA’s volunteer training of programmes and policies, collections, and committees. Records include memoranda, seminar and lecture outlines, seminar schedules, reading list, and assignment requirements.

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Special sessions

Subseries consists of records relating to a course taught by Elizabeth Johnson at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. The course was entitled ‘Curatorial Research’ and was offered by the department of Clothing and Textiles records. Records in this series include correspondence notes a syllabus, receipts, and lecture outlines.

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Shuswap travelling exhibit and British Columbia Museums Association

Series consists of records relating to Elizabeth Johnson’s attendance at the British Columbia Museums Association (B.C.M.A.) Seminar and her inquiries to receive on loan the Shuswap travelling exhibit. Records contain phone messages, memoranda, Shuswap Declaration copy, Shuswap travelling display materials list, correspondence, B.C.M.A. Cultural Centres contact lists, and B.C.M.A. Seminar on Cultural Centres.

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Papers and publications

Subseries consists of records relating to Elizabeth Johnson’s research, writing, and publication activities including: The Clothing and Textile Collection at the University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology; Experimentation in University Museums; Exorcizing the Ghosts of History: Canadian Museums, First Nations and the Negotiation of Repatriation; Bridging the Gaps: A Museum-based Heritage Awareness Programme; Welcome to the Museum of Anthropology!; Material History Review; Clothes that Are Not Worn (except…): The Politics of the Clothing Collection at the Museum of Anthropology. Records include papers, articles, publications, correspondence, calendar of events, abstracts, notes, and Elizabeth Johnson’s short biography.

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V.A.G. Delegation/ Emily Carr Asia Tour 1987/88

Subseries consists of records relating to a joint project of the Vancouver Art Gallery and the Museum of Anthropology to send a travelling exhibition of Emily Carr’s work and related material on a tour of Asia. The records consist of correspondence, financial records, invitations, 2 maps, business cards, reports, newspaper photocopies, itineraries and memoranda.

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Musqueam Heritage Awareness Program

Series consists of records relating to Elizabeth Johnson’s activities in coordinating the Musqueam Heritage Awareness Program. Records include participant’s contact information, progress, and resumes, training program, feedback, training plan, correspondence, memoranda, phone messages, diary, and a card.

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Quilting in East Asia

Subseries consists of records relating to an exhibit at MOA. This exhibit was planned to coincide with the Quilt Canada conference, 1989. Subseries includes correspondence, labels, memos and notes.

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A Family Affair: Making Cloth in Taquile Peru

Subseries consists of records relating to the exhibit "A Family Affair: Making Cloth in Taquile Peru". This exhibit was installed at MOA from May 9 – Oct 1 1989, in Gallery 5. Elizabeth Johnson coordinated this exhibit; it was curated by Mary Frame. Records include: correspondence, grant applications, labels, newsletters, newspaper articles, drawings, notes, phone messages, slide list, statements of agreement, photocopies of documents outlining the layout and budget for the exhibit, inventories of materials used and notes on the exhibit graphics, photocopies of photos selected for the exhibit, and copies of the text for the didactic panels.

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Miscellaneous teaching material

Subseries consists of a handmade, laminated booklet about the preservation and display of textiles. The book was made by Elisa Dubuc while she was an intern at MOA. The book was created to introduce visitors to the textile collection.

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Translations of Traditions: Joanna Staniszkis’ Recent Work

Subseries consists records relating to the exhibit "Translations of Traditions: Joanna Staniszkis’ Recent Work". The exhibit was co-curated by Louise Jackson and Elizabeth Johnson of MOA, with Johnson acting as exhibit coordinator. It was installed in Gallery 5 at MOA from Feb 18 to May 24, 1992. Joanna Staniszkis is an internationally known Canadian textile artist. Records include: agreements, articles from newspapers and professional journals, brochures, budget, CHIN artifact list printout, conference speaking notes, correspondence, drafts of text for the didactic panels, exhibit diagram, flyer, final report, funding application, memos, notes, permission forms, phone message, a student paper, slides and a timeline.

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Ancient Cloth … Ancient Code?

Subseries consists of records relating to the exhibit Ancient Cloth …Ancient Code? It was coordinated by Elizabeth Johnson and curated by Mary Frame. It was installed at MOA from March 4 to May 24 of 1992. The exhibit focused on textiles from various ancient societies from present day Peru. Records include grant applications, budgets, memos, correspondence and photographs.

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