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descrição arquivísticaAPEC printed posters and signs
APEC printed posters and signs
APEC materials from other sources
APEC materials from other sources
Post-APEC interviews
Post-APEC interviews
Revolutionary Radio
Revolutionary Radio
Official APEC publications
Official APEC publications
APEC hand-rendered protest posters and banners
APEC hand-rendered protest posters and banners
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) collection
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) collection
Police tape
Police tape
Todd Tubutis photographs
Todd Tubutis photographs
Plastic ties
Plastic ties
Official APEC photographs
Official APEC photographs
Canada Hosts APEC in 1997
Canada Hosts APEC in 1997
Red fabric
Red fabric
Skooker Broome photographs
Skooker Broome photographs
Ninth APEC Ministerial Meeting Joint Statement (English)
Ninth APEC Ministerial Meeting Joint Statement (English)
Jill Baird photographs
Jill Baird photographs
APEC travel mug
APEC travel mug
Gillian Noseworthy photographs
Gillian Noseworthy photographs
Ninth APEC Ministerial Meeting Joint Statement (French)
Ninth APEC Ministerial Meeting Joint Statement (French)
Resultados 1 a 20 de 55