Showing 55 results
Archival descriptionAPEC textual records
APEC textual records
“This Is Not an Exhibit” multi-media materials
“This Is Not an Exhibit” multi-media materials
APEC oversized posters and banners
APEC oversized posters and banners
APEC audio recordings
APEC audio recordings
APEC artifacts
APEC artifacts
APEC photographs
APEC photographs
The Musqueam Nation and APEC at the Museum of Anthropology
The Musqueam Nation and APEC at the Museum of Anthropology
Certificate of appreciation
Certificate of appreciation
This Is Not An Exhibit multimedia collection
This Is Not An Exhibit multimedia collection
Maria Roth photographs
Maria Roth photographs
APEC Volunteer Handbook
APEC Volunteer Handbook
David Cunningham photographs
David Cunningham photographs
Labelling gun
Labelling gun
Thank you card from Bill Clinton
Thank you card from Bill Clinton
Coffee cup
Coffee cup
Cigar butt
Cigar butt
APEC suit
APEC suit
Results 1 to 20 of 55