Willy White Weaving Project, My Ancestors are Still Dancing
- 106-01-Q-01
- Dossiê
- 2001 - 2002
Parte deDarrin Morrison fonds
94 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales
Willy White Weaving Project, My Ancestors are Still Dancing
Parte deDarrin Morrison fonds
Proto-Chimakuan: Materials for a Reconstruction
Dissertation, printed in University of Hawaii working papers in Linguistics, Vol. 7:2
File consists of handwritten stories "The Frog Spirit Woman" and "Raven Giving Light to the Earth," and notes on prices for totem pole materials.
Parte deExhibit Comment Books and Guest Registers/Guest Books collection
Parte deNuno Porto fonds
Includes letter from Consul General of the US thanking Dr. Porto for hosting him and his team for a visit to Sankofa.
Norman Tait and John Livingston artwork
File consists of images of artwork by John Livingston, Art Thompson, Susan Point (carved and painted chairs, kneeling stools, boxes), as well as images of masks that may be the work of Norman Tait.
Vickie Jensen's description (from November 2021 archival accession notes): "I heard that Norman carved the mace for the provincial chambers but haven't seen any photos of it; these photos [not taken by Vickie] seem to show the chair and kneeling bench (?) that John Livingston carved and that Norman is helping to assemble. [Also consists of] photos Vickie took of an old chair that a classmate brought to Klee Wyck carving class one night. She specialized in restoring old art work and had received this chair to work on. There's a business card with the photos, but I don't remember that person."
File consists of magazines published by the museum for members, released about twice a year. The magazines cover collections, exhibitions, events, the Volunteer Associates, books published by MOA staff, various museum initiatives, interviews, behind-the-scenes information, essays by curators, news and updates, and general visitor information.
Parte deDirector's fonds
Includes two video interviews with Anthony. One is a 1995 interview on MTV called Fetishis: Visualizing Power and Desire. The other is a recording of a Canadian Museum Association (CMA) conference presentation with Q&A, on the topic of whether there is a Canadian museology, from May 13, 2021. This conference was online.
Parte deAnthony Shelton fonds
Includes pdf publication spreads for two of Anthony's books - Under Different Moons and Theatrum Mundi.
Parte deDirector's fonds
Tait family works and exhibitions
This file consists of materials relating to the Tait family's artistic works, including carvings, totem poles, button blankets, exhibitions, and images of works in progress. These images were originally contained within the same photo album. An item-level description provided by Vickie upon accession:
Parte deAnthony Shelton fonds
Includes itineraries created for Anthony's research, conference, and museum-related travle. Itineraries have location and date listed in file name.
Parte deDirector's fonds
Parte deAnthony Shelton fonds
Includes syllabi for courses and seminars that Anthony has taught.
Letter of Understanding between America's Research Network and Museum of Anthropology at UBC
Parte deDirector's fonds
2020 Minpaku ANTH Newsletter - World Museologies Workshop
Parte deAnthony Shelton fonds
Under Different Moons, Exhibit and Publication
Parte deAnthony Shelton fonds
Includes correspondence and other documents related to acquiring images and rights for Under Different Moons (book).
Marking the Infinite: Contemporary Women Artists from Aboriginal Australia
Shadows, strings, & other things