- 21
- Archief
- 1980 - 2006
The records in this fonds were created and received in the course of Elizabeth Johnson’s tenure at the Museum of Anthropology. The records relate to activities Johnson was involved in through her various positions at the Museum, including: involvement with exhibitions, collections, the museums relations with the community and various community events sponsored by the museum, teaching and various administrative activities. The fonds consists of agendas, agreements, articles, artifact lists, attendance figures, biographies, books, business cards, budgets, calendar of events, catalogue drafts, comment books, conference schedule, consent forms, contract lists, correspondence, course descriptions, curators statement, declaration, diagram, drawings, evaluations, exhibit labels, expenses, internal forms (exhibit proposal forms), financial records, flyers, final reports, guidelines, grant applications, invitations, lecture notes, memoranda, minutes of meetings, museum exhibit diagrams, notes, permission forms, photographs, photograph labels, posters, plans, policies, press releases, proposals, publications (books), publicity records, receipts, reports, reproductions of newspaper ads and articles, research notes, revisions, schedules, slide list, slides, speaking notes, student papers, surveys, syllabi, teaching notes, transcripts of research interviews, audio cassettes of interviews, translations, visitor surveys and comments, and videos.
The fonds is arranged in the following series:
- Proposed Exhibits
- Exhibits
- Collections
- Special projects and events series
- Correspondence series
- Museum education series
- Administrative series
- Academic materials
See attached pdf document for description of series and file lists.
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