- 18
- Collection
- 1967-1968
19 colour slides of totems and sites in Nootka Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island.
Ed Eckley
19 colour slides of totems and sites in Nootka Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island.
Ed Eckley
Collection consists of textual records that tell of a Kispiox legend and its manifestation on a traditional pole; an accompanying photograph of the pole complements the narrative.
The collection consists of postcards depicting First Nations from Western Canada.
Anthony A. Kingscote
Edward Sheriff Curtis collection
The collection consists of slides, photographs and negatives, all copies of Curtis’ most extensive work, “The North American Indian.” The collection is divided into two series: slides and photographs.
Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada Slide Collection
Collection consists of 48 glass lantern slides (29 of them tinted) and 2 negatives. The lantern slides include images related to four Residential Schools: Elkhorn (Manitoba), St. Michael’s (British Columbia), Shingwauk (Ontario), and Choutla (Yukon).
Collection includes images of the schools, classrooms, and different areas of the buildings (dining room, kitchen, etc.); the staff, students, and families engaged in different activities; and surroundings of the schools (cemeteries, churches, villages, etc.). Collection also includes images of landscapes and two images unidentified villages.
Collection might be similar to the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada fonds, at the Anglican Church of Canada Diocese of Rupert's Land, Manitoba.
Lantern slides shows were used during the 1920s and 1930s by the Church of England in Canada to promote the work of their missionaries and to raise funds. The slide shows took place during missionaries’ services, church services, Sunday school groups, and special church programs. Usually, the slide shows were complemented with a text with basic commentary on the mission and content of the slides.
Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada
MOA Publications and Ephemera collection
Collection consists of published or printed materials produced by and about the Museum of Anthropology. These materials include records related to MOA’s exhibitions, collections, programs, events, membership, gift shop, and physical buildings/spaces. Record types include pamphlets, brochures, reports, books, magazines, newspaper articles, cards/postcards, educational handouts, and posters.
The collection has been divided into 12 series. Some series, such as the "Exhibitions and collections series" or the "Membership series," reflect the subject area or function of the records within them. Other series contain records grouped together by record type, such as the "Posters series" or the "Cards and postcards series."
Collection consists of the media -including photographs, sound recordings, and video recordings - that is about, by, or related to the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) and its collections. Media can be found in many collections and fonds in the MOA Archives; the media in this General Media collection are those that do not belong to a more specific archival collection, usually because their provenance is not known.
The collection is divided into three series based on media type:
X̄a’islak̓ala/X̌àh̓isl̩ak̓ala (Haisla language) collection
Collection consists of Haisla cultural documentation and X̄a’islak̓ala/X̌àh̓isl̩ak̓ala (Haisla language) learning material, including sound recordings, stories, a dictionary, and lessons/workbooks. The collection has been divided into two series:
Collection consists of an Eaton's Promotion Brochure titled "Eaton's Salute to Indian Culture" circa 1966-1967. Highlights displays and activities undertaking traditional arts and cultural events.
Collection consists of one leatherbound book which reads “The Camden”…“presented by Francis Westley to the Rev. John Williams” from circa 1838 with signatures of people who attended Williams’ fundraising talks for the Polynesian mission on the Camden. In addition, there are five letters from 1837 and six contemporary photographs of the book, pages of signatures within the book, and the letters.
Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
The collection includes material relating to Alert Bay that was created or collected by Thomas and Mildred Laurie, as well as photographs and textual records created or received by James Barclay Williams, who bequeathed the records to Mildred Laurie. The collection includes a photo album, photographs, postcards, correspondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and a calendar. Photographs document Alert Bay and the surrounding area, including the B.C. Packers store, Christ Church, the native cemetery, St. Michael’s Residential School and Preventorium, Canada Packers, Hardy Bay, totem poles, a long house, and the Nimpkish Hotel. Photographs also document local events, including potlatches, weddings, an outdoor salmon barbeque, BC centenary celebrations in 1958, native ceremonies, and a visit by the Governor General.
The material is arranged in the following files:
01 - James Barclay Williams – Correspondence and press clippings, 1968-1972
02 - James Barclay Williams – Photographs, [1908?]-1967
03 - Mildred Laurie - Photo album photographs, [194-]-1974
04 - Mildred Laurie – Photographs and postcards, [194-]-[199-]
05 - Slides and negatives, 1952-1972
06 - Pamphlets, ephemera, and press clippings, 1947-2003
07 - James Barclay Williams – Photo album, 1940-1941
Laurie family
Collection consists of photographic prints by Roland Reed, featuring Native Americans and scenery of the western United States.
Roland Reed
Museum of Anthropology Student Exhibition and Research collection
Collection consists of projects and reports written by students in Anthropology 302, 431, 432, 433, 449, 518 and other related courses and programs. The projects and reports include information about exhibits designed and displayed at the Museum of Anthropology
by the students; critiques on "current" museum exhibitions and programs; and proposal papers for student exhibit projects.
Fonds consists of photographic prints and text labels used in the “Emergence from the Shadow: First Peoples’ Photographic Perspective” exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, from October 22, 1999 to January 6, 2002. The images depict several different First Nations groups including Haida, Kimsquit, Bella Coola, Ulkatcho-Carrier, Chilcotin, Assiniboine, and Gitksan. The label text incorporates information which Smith recorded at the time of creation. It gives name and age (if known) of the sitters as well as lineage, employment, and style of dress.
Harlan Smith
Iris and Jack Lieber collection
The collection consists of research reports collected by Iris and Jack Lieber during their time in Africa and 5 Super 8 video reel tapes were collected during their time in Papua New Guinea. The research reports were written by students at the University of Ibadan, where Jack Lieber worked as a professor in the Department of Education. Reels include footage from schools and the community in Papua New Guinea. Collection also includes two books published by Jack Lieber, and a piece of correspondence sent to him.
Jack Lieber
Hakka Mountain songs and laments collection
Collection consists of six compact discs with recordings of Hakka Mountain songs and laments, sung by Mrs. Yau Chan Shek-ying in 1976, along with accompanying documentation. Documentation includes lists of recordings with song descriptions, song translations/transcriptions, a photograph and bio of the singer, and articles collected by Elizabeth Lominska Johnson. The songs were sung in an older dialect of Hakka. Song types include marriage laments, mountain songs, and funeral laments.
Hakka mountain, or Hakka hill songs, are rural songs sung in the Hakka language by the Hakka people of Southern China. The songs vary in theme/subject, and exist as a kind of oral literature and/or communication at a distance.
Elizabeth Lominska Johnson
The collection consist of photographs Robinson took of Aboriginal Australian peoples, small placards with descriptions of tribal items and customs, and two articles and a photograph regarding a Hobby Show Robinson participated in in 1947.
Reginald Robinson
Collection consists of 14 hand-tinted photographs of Japan. Geographic areas represented by these photographs include Kobe, Enosha Island, Tokyo, Nagasaki, Chuzenji Lake at Nikko, Inland Sea at Bingo, Kamakura, Yokohama and Honmoku.
Penelope Connell
Ben Williams Leeson collection
The fonds consists of 66 photographic prints, some of which are hand-coloured, stamped “B.W. Leeson Quatsino, B.C.”, labelled on the front or back with explanatory information, or signed in ink. One print of a longhouse is stamped “The Leeson Collection Copyright 1914.” The photographic subject matter relates to British Columbia’s Kwakwaka'wakw First Nations and the British Columbia landscape. Also included is a copy of Portraits of the Indians of Quatsino by Benjamin W. Leeson (Kit #20) by Susan Roper, produced by the Research Project on Early B.C. Photography at the Vancouver Public Library around 1972, and 23 duplicate slides which accompany it.
Ben Williams Leeson
The collection consists of nine large watercolour illustrative panels commissioned by the UBC Museum of Anthropology, eight of which were commissioned for the exhibit "The Four Seasons: Food Getting in British Columbia Prehistory," which ran from April to November 1979. The other watercolour is from an unidentified exhibit or sourcebook.
The collection also contains one painting that was commissioned by the museum for a publication (Museum Note, no.12, "Ninstints: World Heritage Site"), as well as a blueprint reproduction of a related drawing. These are renderings of how the houses and poles on a beach at the Ninstints village site might have looked when they were in use. The rendering is based on George MacDonald's map.
Collection consists of the following items:
001: The Four Seasons – Spring – Interior [1979?]
002: The Four Seasons – Spring – Coast [1979?]
003: The Four Seasons – Summer – Interior [1979?]
004: The Four Seasons – Summer – Coast [1979?]
005: The Four Seasons – Autumn – Interior [1979?]
006: The Four Seasons – Autumn – Coast [1979?]
007: The Four Seasons – Winter – Interior [1979?]
008: The Four Seasons – Winter – Coast [1979?]
009: Haida six beam house 1993
010: [Ninstints village painting] 1983
011: [Ninstints village, drawing for Museum Note] 1983
Gordon Miller