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Affichage de 311 résultats

description archivistique
Série organique Anglais
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4 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Publications, newsletters, and periodicals

Series consists of materials published or printed by the Museum of Anthropology, including books, reports, periodicals, and newsletters. Records in the series are divided into 13 files:

  1. Annual Reports
  2. Calendar of Events
  3. Museum Notes
  4. MOA News
  5. Library Bulletin
  6. Next @ MOA
  7. MOA Magazine
  8. Inside MOA
  9. Exhibition Books and Catalogues
  10. What's New and What's On At the Museum
  11. Miscellaneous publications
  12. Sourcebooks
  13. Educational resources


Travel, research, museum, and personal photos taken by or pertaining to Anthony Shelton. Photos have been sorted into subfolders by place and date, with some further sorted by more specific locations. A list of these photographs is in progress.

Scans - Interviews, Presentations, Conferences, Misc.

Includes scans from Anthony's personal files, of conferences material, invitations, miscellaneous photographs, newspaper articles, published interviews, and presentations relating to his time and work at MOA. Scans were done by graduate student assistants, to be used on Anthony's website that was created when he retired from his position as MOA Director.

External Relations Files

Series consists of correspondence and memoranda, handwritten notations, reports, newspaper clippings, journal articles, pamphlets, minutes, financial statements, papers, membership lists, photographs and other textual and graphic material related to the Museum of Anthropology’s relations with individuals, organizations, and associations external to the museum. Series includes records related to museum membership vis-à-vis the short-lived Friends of the Museum of Anthropology, the museum’s public relations activities, and events held by external organizations or groups at the museum, such as APEC, inquiries and requests received by the museum, including requests for guided visits, as well as records regarding the collection of visitor comments. In addition to Ames’ general communications and correspondence, the series also includes records relating to the Museum of Anthropology’s relations with other museums and institutions. This includes correspondence and other records regarding the director’s participation in a number of external museum-related committees and associations.

The series is divided into the following subseries:

A. General Files 1985-1986

B. Public Relations Files 1971-1990

C. Inquiries and Requests Files 1974-2011

D. Friends of the Museum of Anthropology 1977-1985

E. Communications and Service: Museums and Other Institutions Files 1970-2006

F. Communications and Service: Other Files 1966-2010

G. Outside Events at MOA Files 1986-2012

H. Visitor Surveys and Feedback Files 1976-1992


Textual records, porcupine quills, dried leaves, brochures and other materials which do not clearly fall into existing categories.

Exhibitions and collections

Series consists of records pertaining to exhibitions at the Museum of Anthropology from the 1960s to the present day, including programming and events related to specific exhibitions. Material includes exhibition press releases, invitations, proposals, catalogues, and programmes. Records of this series are arranged into files for each represented exhibition, organized chronologically.

Facilities and Services Files

Series consists of correspondence and memoranda, reports, minutes, blueline prints, architectural plans, handwritten notations, journal articles, newspaper clippings, brochures, photographs and other textual and graphic material relating to Museum of Anthropology facilities and services. The series includes records regarding the museum’s construction plans and projects, including: the initial planning and building of the museum and several of its expansions and renovations. Also included are records relating to building maintenance; this includes records relating to building security and museum grounds.

The series is divided into the following subseries:

A. General Files 1972-1995

B. Building Maintenance Files 1973-1996

C. Building Projects and Plans Files 1972-1988

Personal records

Series consists of records related to Carter’s family life and travels with Minn Sjolseth, general research, self-published writing projects, and the posthumous management of his estate by Alan and Laila Campbell. Records include photographs taken by Carter, research photographs and articles, drafts by Carter and Alan Campbell, self-published materials, notes and poetry, correspondence, various certificates and licenses, and scrapbooks. The series also includes files that contain personal photographs mixed with photographs from publications documented in other series in this fonds. Wherever possible, links have been made to the relevant file in other series.


Series consists of records related to exhibitions in which Porto was involved. Material includes planning documents, correspondence, meeting minutes, research, and promotional material.

Sans titre

Exhibitions Files

Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, handwritten notations, draft copies, financial reports, proposals, brochures, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, photographs, programmes, grant applications, agreements and other textual and graphic records related to Museum of Anthropology exhibitions and the planning of them. Includes Exhibits Committee records.

The series is divided into the following subseries:

A. General Files 1979-1983

B. Planning Files 1973-2010

C. Long-Term Exhibits Files 1971-1994

D. Temporary Exhibits Files 1976-2017

E. Borrowed Exhibits Files 1981-2008

F. Exhibits Loaned Elsewhere Files 1985

G. Non-MOA Exhibits Research 1988-1990

H. Exhibit Openings 1999-2014


Series consists of material related to membership at the Museum of Anthropology. Records pertain to membership fees, member appreciation events, member survey materials, and general museum communications with members.

Guides and brochures

Series consists of informational guides, pamphlets, and brochures printed by, and about, the Museum of Anthropology from the 1970s to the 2010s. Guides and brochures cover general Museum of Anthropology information, such as opening hours, exhibitions, maps, and contact information.

Programs, events, and milestones

Series contains materials related to programs, events, and particular milestone ceremonies/celebrations at the Museum of Anthropology. Materials are primarily publicity, such as press releases, newspaper clippings, flyers, and invitations. Other record types include informational booklets, programmes, and registration forms. The series is divided into 15 files:

  1. Field trips and day tours
  2. Talks and workshops
  3. Performances and screenings
  4. Ceremonies and celebrations
  5. Totem pole raisings
  6. Youth and children's programs
  7. School programs
  8. Native Youth Program
  9. Sunday programs
  10. MOA construction and opening
  11. Bill Reid tribute
  12. MOA open house
  13. 50th anniversary
  14. Partnership of Peoples
  15. Miscellaneous programs

Some files group together materials related to specific types of programming or events ("Talks and lectures," or "Youth and children's programs," for example). Other files are focused on a specific program, event, or ceremony. The "Miscellaneous programs" file groups together materials related to more than one type of program or event.

Public Programmes and Events Files

Series consists of correspondence and memoranda, reports, brochures, pamphlets, handwritten notations, invitations, programmes, photographs, slides, newspaper clippings, advertisements, and other textual and graphic records related to public programmes and events produced by the Museum of Anthropology. The series includes records relating to specific programmes, the planning of programmes, museum film and video productions and their viewing, as well as records regarding special events and performances held at the museum. Also includes planning records relating to the museum’s involvement with Expo’86.

The series is divided into the following subseries:

A. Planning Files 1974-1983

B. Programmes Files 1976-1990

C. Film and Video Files 1976-1984

D. Special Events Files 1975-2013

E. Expo ’86 Files 1984-1986

F. Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games Files 2002-2010


The series consists of materials related to Fuyubi Nakamura's participation in the creation and operation of exhibitions. Currently this exclusively relates to records of the exhibit (In)visible: The Spiritual World of Taiwan through Contemporary Art/形(無)形-台灣當代藝術的靈性世界 (November 20, 2015 – April 3, 2016).

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