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11969 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais


Image depicts a landscape consisting of trees, buildings, and mountains in the distance. Above the image is a handwritten inscription which reads "Not to be used".

Skowkale Church, Chilliwack Valley, B. C.

Image is a posed group portrait in front of a church building. Location is identified in a handwritten inscription below the image as Chilliwack Valley, B. C. Image has been crossed out in pencil and the words "not to be used" are inscribed above the image.

Captain John Shawalas

Image is an oval head and shoulders portrait of a man identified in an inscription below the image as Captain John Shawalas. An additional handwritten inscription reads "native assistant at Chilliwack Indian Mission, an old hereditary chief".

David Sallosalton

Image is an oval head and shoulders portrait of a young man identified in an inscription below the image as David Sallosalton.

The indian mission church and house, Nanaimo

Image depicts an exterior view a church inside a fenced yard, outside of which is a group of people. A handwritten inscription below the image reads "407 The Indian mission church and house, Nanaimo Where Sallosalton lived with Mr Crosby".

Indian conjurer at Hazelton, B. C.

Image is a posed portrait of a man wearing ceremonial dress and carrying what appears to be a drum. Handwritten inscription below the image reads "'A heathen Medicine Man.' Indian Conjurer at Hazelton B. C." On the verso is a handwritten inscription which reads "W. Hough 28 [illegible]"

Rev Thomas Crosby

Image is an oval head and shoulders portrait of Reverend Thomas Crosby. Handwritten inscription below the image reads "441 614 Rev Thomas Crosby"

Fraser River salmon

Image is a postcard that depicts a fishery and fishery workers with harvested Salmon in the foreground. Printed inscription below the image reads "Fraser River Salmon. Published by W. T. Cooksley, Photographer, New Westminster, B. C."

Grizzly Bear House interior posts

Image depicts interior posts of the Grizzly Bear House, Masset, B. C. (same as in a039354). The posts are displayed with a Chilkat blanket, painted hat, and two daggers that probably belonged to Xa

Charles Edenshaw in prov. museum

Image depicts a totem pole in Masset, Haida Gwaii, B. C. Inscribed on the image is "totem Poles, Massett [sic] Q. C. I." Handwritten inscription below the image reads "R. Maynard, Artist". Handwritten inscription on the verso reads "Charles Edenshaw in prov. museum." Printed on the verso Is the photographer information in the inscription "R. MAYNARD, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST and Dealer in All Kinds of Photographic Materials. Stereoscopic and Large Views of British Columbia and Vancouver Island for Sale. Cor. Douglas & Johnson Streets, Victoria, B. C."

Charles Edenshaw in prov. museum

Image is portrait of Charles Edenshaw leaning on frontal house post in Skidegate, Haida Gwaii, B. C. Inscribed on the image is "Indian Totem Poles at Skidegate Q. C. I." Handwritten inscription below the image reads "R. Maynard, Artist". Handwritten inscription on the verso reads "Charles Edenshaw in prov. museum." Printed on the verso Is the photographer information in the inscription "R. MAYNARD, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST and Dealer in All Kinds of Photographic Materials. Stereoscopic and Large Views of British Columbia and Vancouver Island for Sale. Cor. Douglas & Johnson Streets, Victoria, B. C."

Totem poles at Massett

Image depicts external view of a building, mortuary poles, and house posts in Masset, B. C. A bear sits atop the mortuary or memorial pole in the foreground. This may have been a mortuary figure with a receptacle in the side to receive a box of ashes or a child

Artifacts: mask, argillite, mauls

Image depicts a display of artifacts that appear to be predominately from the Northwest Coast cultural groups, including a mask, argillite totem poles, and mauls. Printed underneath the image is the photographer information: "Thos. E. Perkins, Toronto".

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