Douglas & McIntyre fonds
Douglas & McIntyre fonds
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, ambient noise
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, ambient noise
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, Haida singing Part 1
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, Haida singing Part 1
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, Haida singing Part 2
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, Haida singing Part 2
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, opening reception speeches
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, opening reception speeches
Slide of Bill Reid at Totem Park, UBC
Kuldip Gill fonds
Kuldip Gill fonds
[Bill Reid, Doreen Jensen and guests post-ceremony]
[Bill Reid makes his cut]
[Handing out oranges]
[Bill Reid makes his cut]
[Doreen Jensen, Bill Reid and guests]
[Guests post ceremony]
[Bill Reid's] Haida canoe - various photos, extras, or not being used
[Bill Reid's] Haida canoe - various photos, extras, or not being used
[Bill] Reid's Haida canoe photos 1984 Feb. - May
[Bill] Reid's Haida canoe photos 1984 Feb. - May
Some Bill Reid clippings, died March 14, 1998
Some Bill Reid clippings, died March 14, 1998
Bill Reid memorabilia: clippings, cards, etc.
Bill Reid memorabilia: clippings, cards, etc.
Bill Reid
Bill Reid
[Bill Reid memorabilia]
[Bill Reid memorabilia]
E-Bay [Haida Bear listing]
E-Bay [Haida Bear listing]