- 1-5-2 (27.2)-a035183-1
- Item
- 1957
Image of Wilson Duff, Harry Hawthorn, Bill Reid and John Smyly under a shelter on Skunnggwaii llanas (Anthony Island). The image was taken during the Ninstints expedition to retrieve 11 totem poles from the area.
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Image of Wilson Duff, Harry Hawthorn, Bill Reid and John Smyly under a shelter on Skunnggwaii llanas (Anthony Island). The image was taken during the Ninstints expedition to retrieve 11 totem poles from the area.
Bill Reid: Beyond the essential form
Subseries contains the booklet produced as part of the Museum Notes program at the Museum of Anthropology titled Bill Reid: Beyond the Essential Form written by Karen Duffek.
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, Haida singing Part 2
Part of Ken Kuramoto fonds
Item is the second of two audio recording of performers singing Haida songs at the opening reception of Celebration of the Raven. The recording is Reel #6 of the soundtrack for the film Celebration of the Raven, directed by Ken Kuramoto, which documented the work process and installation of Bill Reid’s carving titled The Raven and the First Men and its unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1980.
Celebration of the Raven film soundtrack, opening reception speeches
Part of Ken Kuramoto fonds
Item is an audio recording of introductory speeches given during the opening reception of Celebration of the Raven. The recording is Reel #7 of the soundtrack for the film Celebration of the Raven, directed by Ken Kuramoto, which documented the work process and installation of Bill Reid’s carving titled The Raven and the First Men and its unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1980. The recording begins with an unidentified speaker who acknowledges the two groups who co-hosted the event: the Haida of the Queen Charlotte Islands including the Chiefs, Chief Elders and the People as well as the Friends of the Museum of Anthropology, Corporate Friends and the Raven Committee. The recording is then interrupted. The following portion of the recording features a woman speaking, likely in Haida. The recording is interrupted several more times during various speeches so it is difficult to identify speakers. Lastly, Haida artist Bill Reid provides a tribute to the passing of Haida storyteller Solomon Wilson and then thanks various individuals involved in the creation of the sculpture including Walter Koerner and artists George Norris, Garry Edenshaw, Charles Edenshaw and others. The recording concludes with singing and drumming.
The fonds consists of 83 images associated with two books published by Douglas & McIntyre: Bill Reid by Doris Shadbolt and The Raven Steals the Light by Bill Reid. The photographers responsible for these images are R. Dereth, R. Keziere, R. Lum and B. McLemore.
Douglas & McIntyre
Carving of the "Raven and the First Man," Bill Reid
Part of Hindaleah (Hindy) Ratner fonds
[Bill] Reid - Misc[ellaneous] ["Beyond the Essential Form"]
Part of Hindaleah (Hindy) Ratner fonds
Interview with Bill Reid about Celebration of the Raven Part 2
Part of MOA General Media collection
Item is the second of a three part sound recording of an interview with Bill Reid about the origins of his carving The Raven and the First Men, located at MOA. The interviewer is unknown. During the interview he discusses how the sculpture was the result of a highly collaborative process involving other artists, his impression of the location of the carving in MOA, and his working relationship with Walter C. Koerner who commissioned the sculpture. He lastly discusses his representation and interpreation of the Haida legend that the carving is based on. This recording is part of Celebration of the Raven which documented the creation of the Raven and the First Men Sculpture, its relocation to the Museum of Anthropology, and the unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1982.
Interview with Bill Reid about Celebration of the Raven Part 1
Part of MOA General Media collection
Item is the first of a three part sound recording of an interview with Bill Reid about the origins of his carving The Raven and the First Men, located at MOA. The interviewer is unknown. During the interview Bill Reid discusses how the sculpture was the result of a highly collaborative process involving other artists, his impression of the location of the carving in MOA, and his working relationship with Walter C. Koerner who commissioned the sculpture. He lastly discusses his representation and interpretation of the Haida legend that the carving is based on. This recording is part of Celebration of the Raven which documented the creation of the Raven and the First Men Sculpture, its relocation to the Museum of Anthropology, and the unveiling by the Prince of Wales in 1982.
Bill Reid discusses his carving The Raven and the First Men
Part of MOA General Media collection
Artist Bill Reid discusses the Haida legend of the Raven and the First Men and his carving based on the legend which is on display at the UBC Museum of Anthropology.
Part of Minn Sjolseth fonds
File consists of a tracing of a Bill Reid image done by Minn Sjolseth.
Masterworks by Haida Artist Bill Reid
[Bill Reid's] Haida canoe - various photos, extras, or not being used
Part of Hilary Stewart fonds
Negatives show the carving of Bill Reid's Lootaas (Loo Taas) canoe, which was carved in 1984 at MOA for Expo '86. The canoe now resides at the Haida Heritage Centre.
See file 03 in this series for prints of these negatives.
File also includes Hilary's notes about and sketches of the canoe, newspaper clippings, and MOA/UBC press releases.
[Bill] Reid's Haida canoe photos 1984 Feb. - May
Part of Hilary Stewart fonds
Photographs show the carving of Bill Reid's Lootaas (Loo Taas) canoe, which was carved in 1984 at MOA for Expo '86. The canoe now resides at the Haida Heritage Centre.
Note that accompanied photographs: "These are not Hilary Stewart photos - whose?" It is not clear who wrote this note. The negatives are in file 02 of this series.
Part of Joi Carlin fonds
Image features a profile view of Bill Reid using a traditional, well-sharpened tool, called adze to cut away the outer the sap wood of a log. The blurred profile view of a second person appears on the far right hand side of the photograph.
Bill Reid and Norman Tait handshake
Part of Joi Carlin fonds
Image features Bill Reid shaking hands with Norman Tait in front of the canoe log.
Bill Reid watching memorial pole being raised in the Haida Village
Part of George Szanto fonds
Item is a colour image of Bill Reid watching memorial pole being raised in the Haida Village at Totem Park at the University of British Columbia (UBC)
Memorial pole being raised in the Haida Village
Part of George Szanto fonds
Item is a colour image of Memorial pole being raised in the Haida Village at Totem Park at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The Haida house appears to the left. The double memorial pole appears to the right.
Haida house interior house post
Part of George Szanto fonds
Item is a colour image of the interior house post in the Haida house at the Haida Village at Totem Park at the University of British Columbia (UBC).