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Bill Reid
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89 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

House post in situ on Anthony Island
House post in situ on Anthony Island
Doug Cranmer standing on the Haida House
Doug Cranmer standing on the Haida House
Construction of the Haida House in Totem Park
Construction of the Haida House in Totem Park
Bill Reid's pole at Totem Park
Bill Reid's pole at Totem Park
Bill Reid's pole at UBC Totem Park
Bill Reid's pole at UBC Totem Park
Doug Cranmer and Bill Reid carving
Doug Cranmer and Bill Reid carving
Bill Reid's work at UBC totem park
Bill Reid's work at UBC totem park
Bill Reid Haida Carving
Bill Reid Haida Carving
Double mortuary pole at totem park
Double mortuary pole at totem park
Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer
Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer
Bill Reid pole for totem park
Bill Reid pole for totem park
Wasgo carving on display in Montréal
Wasgo carving on display in Montréal
Haida House and Mortuary House under construction
Haida House and Mortuary House under construction
Bill Reid on UBC Campus 1959
Bill Reid on UBC Campus 1959
Haida section of totem park
Haida section of totem park
Aerial view of Haida House
Aerial view of Haida House
Aerial view of Haida House
Aerial view of Haida House
Construction of the Haida House in Totem Park
Construction of the Haida House in Totem Park
A man standing on the Haida House
A man standing on the Haida House
Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer carving
Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer carving
Resultados 1 a 20 de 132