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description archivistique
Bill Reid
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Bill Reid

Series consists of records created and collected by McLennan relating to Bill Reid and his art held both in private collections and at the MOA. Projects included in these records are the installation of Raven and the First Men in the MOA and The Spirit of Haida Gwaii at the Vancouver International Airport. Photographs also document jewelry designed by Bill Reid, along with small sculptures, large scale sculptures, ivory and argillite works and drums.

Taped interviews

Interviewees include:
Jim Hart (2 tapes)
Dorothy Grant
Terry Starr
Susan Point (re: [Time])
Norman Tait
Alexander Peters
Rita Barnes (re: feast dishes MOA's Great Hall, 2 Dec. 2002)
Glen Tallio
Robert Davidson
Dempsey Bob (2 tapes)
William White (2 tapes)
Doreen Jensen
Richard Sumner (28 January 1997)
David Gladstone
Tim Paul
Richard Hunt (re: Shark mask)
Cryl Carpenter
Russell Smith
Bill Reid
Leona Sparrow
Alfred Scow

Bill Reid symposium

Subseries contains three files consisting of records related to the Bill Reid symposium which was titled “The Legacy of Bill Reid: A Critical Enquiry”. The records comprise planning of the symposium, research done after the symposium on related topics, and McLennan’s presentation.

Bill Reid

Series consists of correspondence between Audrey Hawthorn and Bill and Martine Reid, various invitations and programs to Bill Reid exhibits and a Haida House event, the funeral program for Bill Reid’s funeral, his obituary, various articles and newspaper clippings about Bill Reid and Haida art. Also in this series are photographs of Bill Reid and various participants with the Haida boat that was commissioned by Expo ’86. Other cards and notes in this series are addressed to Audrey Hawthorn by Michael Ames and Ruth Phillips. There are also several blank cards featuring Bill Reid’s art.

Sans titre

Bill Reid

Consists of collected material about or by artist Bill Reid, with whom Hilary was acquainted. Includes clippings, reproductions of Reid's work, pamphlets, obituaries, correspondence, and a photograph.

Bill Reid makes his first cut

Image features a profile view of Bill Reid using a traditional, well-sharpened tool, called adze to cut away the outer the sap wood of a log. The blurred profile view of a second person appears on the far right hand side of the photograph.

Bill swinging an adze

Image features a profile view of Bill Reid using a traditional, well-sharpened tool, called adze to cut away the outer the sap wood of a log. The adze appears blurred as he is about to strike the log.

Bill Reid's speech

Image is of Bill Reid standing in front of the canoe log and delivering his address at the welcome ceremony.

[Bill Reid makes his cut]

Image is of Bill Reid using adze to make his first cut. Doreen Jensen and unidentified persons stand behind him, watching the process.

[Handing out oranges]

Image is of Rob't Tait holding box of oranges that he offers to an unidentified person and Bill Reid as refreshments.

Bill Reid and Norman Tait

Image is of Bill Reid standing in front of the canoe log with Norman Tait at the very left of image.

[Bill Reid makes his cut]

Image is of Bill Reid using adze to make his first cut. Unidentified persons stand behind him, watching the process.

[Guests post ceremony]

Image is of Moya Waters, Bill Reid and Bill McLennan and unidentified persons consuming refreshments and conversing. Ron holds box of oranges in background.

Résultats 1 à 20 sur 132