Doug Cranmer's Paintings
Doug Cranmer's Paintings
Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
George Szanto fonds
George Szanto fonds
Doug Cranmer – about the artist
Doug Cranmer – about the artist
Doug Cranmer exhibit
Doug Cranmer exhibit
Kesu 2011 Remix and Ed. Prog.
Kesu 2011 Remix and Ed. Prog.
Virginia Kehoe fonds
Virginia Kehoe fonds
Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Mosquito Totem Pole
Mosquito Totem Pole, top close up
Mosquito Totem Pole, closeup of base
Mosquito Totem Pole, front view
Mosquito Totem Pole, top side view
Mosquito Totem Pole, side view of midsection
Mosquito Totem Pole, base frontal view
Mosquito Totem Pole, top rear view
Mosquito Totem Pole, frontal view
Carving a totem pole
Painting a totem pole