Showing 245 results

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Doug Cranmer English
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235 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Doug Cranmer – about the artist
Doug Cranmer – about the artist
Doug Cranmer's Paintings
Doug Cranmer's Paintings
Doug Cranmer exhibit
Doug Cranmer exhibit
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
Memorial pole, Totem Park
Memorial pole, Totem Park
Memorial pole, Totem Park
Memorial pole, Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
Memorial pole, Totem Park
Memorial pole, Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
House Frontal Totem Pole, UBC Totem Park
Mortuary totem pole, UBC
Mortuary totem pole, UBC
Doug Cranmer UBC 1973
Doug Cranmer UBC 1973
Doug Cranmer, Roy Hanuse, UBC 1973
Doug Cranmer, Roy Hanuse, UBC 1973
Doug Cranmer UBC
Doug Cranmer UBC
Doug Cranmer
Doug Cranmer
Results 1 to 20 of 245