Doug Cranmer's Paintings
Doug Cranmer's Paintings
Bill Reid watching memorial pole being raised in the Haida Village
Memorial pole being raised in the Haida Village
Haida house interior house post
Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Museum grounds facing future site of Haida house
Haida house and mortuary house being reassembled
Haida house and mortuary house being reassembled
The mortuary house being reassembled
The mortuary house being reassembled
Doug Cranmer carving at UBC
Bill Reid's pole at Totem Park
Construction of the Haida House in Totem Park
Doug Cranmer UBC 1973
Doug Cranmer, Roy Hanuse, UBC 1973
Doug Cranmer
Mosquito Totem Pole, front view
Mosquito Totem Pole, top side view
Mosquito Totem Pole, frontal view
Carving the St. Catherines pole, early stages