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Norman Tait English
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2276 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Taped interviews
Taped interviews
Norman Tait Canoe Launching, Spanish Banks
Norman Tait Canoe Launching, Spanish Banks
Norman surrounded by family and guests
Norman surrounded by family and guests
Norman making his first cut
Norman making his first cut
Norman and the canoe log
Norman and the canoe log
Squirrel Dance and Paddles
Squirrel Dance and Paddles
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Joe David and daughter
Joe David and daughter
Joe David and daughter
Joe David and daughter
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Results 1 to 20 of 2293