Norman Tait Canoe Steaming
Norman Tait Canoe Steaming
Norman Tait's family
Tait family members
Mercy making her first cut
Tait family
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Bill Reid and Norman Tait handshake
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed
Crew and log at the old UBC carving shed