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Norman Tait
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Joe David and daughter
Joe David and daughter
Joe David and daughter
Joe David and daughter
Tait and David families
Tait and David families
Mercy, Norman, and Joe David
Mercy, Norman, and Joe David
Bill Reid at the welcome ceremony
Bill Reid at the welcome ceremony
Bill Reid and Norman Tait handshake
Bill Reid and Norman Tait handshake
Bill Reid in front of canoe log
Bill Reid in front of canoe log
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance and Paddles
Squirrel Dance and Paddles
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel Dance
Squirrel dance and drums
Squirrel dance and drums
Tait family
Tait family
Mercy making her first cut
Mercy making her first cut
Resultados 1 a 20 de 2293