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Kaxlaya Gvilas (Pam Brown's exhibit)
Kaxlaya Gvilas (Pam Brown's exhibit)
Kaxlaya Gvilas: The Ones who Uphold the Laws of our Ancestors
Kaxlaya Gvilas: The Ones who Uphold the Laws of our Ancestors
Audio recordings
Audio recordings
Pam Brown fonds
Pam Brown fonds
Through Our Eyes [Fort Rupert]
Through Our Eyes [Fort Rupert]
Ian Reid canoe DVDs and pamphlet
Ian Reid canoe DVDs and pamphlet
International repatriation
International repatriation
Ian Reid canoe photos
Ian Reid canoe photos
Through Our Eyes, Alert Bay
Through Our Eyes, Alert Bay
The Tree of Life, Ian Reid canoe
The Tree of Life, Ian Reid canoe
Cannery Days: A Chapter in the Lives of the Heiltsuk
Cannery Days: A Chapter in the Lives of the Heiltsuk
Heritage Management [Heiltsuk interviews, Cultural Education Centre]
Heritage Management [Heiltsuk interviews, Cultural Education Centre]
Traditional Heiltsuk Food
Traditional Heiltsuk Food
First Nations Endowment Fund
First Nations Endowment Fund
Papers by Doreen Jensen
Papers by Doreen Jensen
Cultural Centres
Cultural Centres
Sharing the Knowledge conference notes
Sharing the Knowledge conference notes
Bradley Hunt [BC Achievement Award]
Bradley Hunt [BC Achievement Award]
First Nations map talk and negative
First Nations map talk and negative
Repatriation [committee and policy development]
Repatriation [committee and policy development]
Resultados 21 a 40 de 30209