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Rosa Ho fonds

  • 105
  • Fundo
  • 1976 - 1999, predominant 1988 - 1999

The fonds consists of records relating to Rosa Ho’s functions as a Curator of Art and Public Programmes at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. Records include correspondence, memoranda, handwritten notes, minutes, object lists, reports, brochures, press releases, newspaper clippings, interview transcripts and tapes, financial statements, grant applications, publication drafts, policy information, mission statements, and other materials. The records are predominantly from 1988 to 1999, while Rosa was the Curator of Art and Public Programmes. The records largely pertain to events, programming, and exhibitions held at the Museum of Anthropology. Also included in the fonds are records relating to external projects and publications.

The fonds is arranged in the following 11 series:

  1. Public programme planning
  2. Exhibition planning
  3. Institutional planning
  4. Museum of Anthropology committees
  5. Collections – information, acquisition and documentation
  6. Inuit research
  7. BC First Nations research
  8. Pow Wow
  9. Volunteers and education
  10. External publications and projects
  11. Administration

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Minn Sjolseth fonds

  • 144
  • Fundo
  • 1966-1999

The fonds reflects Minn Sjolseth's artistic career and travels to First Nations communities throughout British Columbia and Alaska with her husband Anthony Carter. Contents of the fonds depict First Nations cultures in British Columbia between 1960 and 1980, including Haida, Coast Salish, Kwakwaka'wakw, Gitsegukla, Kispiox, and Nisga'a. Several of the contents depict notable figures, including Chief Dan George and August Jacks.

The fonds includes textual records including correspondence, ephemera, newspaper clippings; graphic materials such as photographs, slides, negatives, and transparencies that depict Sjolseth’s travels and artworks; and artworks produced by Sjolseth including paintings, drawings, and prints.

The fonds is organized into the following series:

  1. Personal records
  2. Artwork an Exhibition records
  3. Artworks

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Harlan Smith collection

  • 87
  • Colección
  • 1919-1925, 1999

Fonds consists of photographic prints and text labels used in the “Emergence from the Shadow: First Peoples’ Photographic Perspective” exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, from October 22, 1999 to January 6, 2002. The images depict several different First Nations groups including Haida, Kimsquit, Bella Coola, Ulkatcho-Carrier, Chilcotin, Assiniboine, and Gitksan. The label text incorporates information which Smith recorded at the time of creation. It gives name and age (if known) of the sitters as well as lineage, employment, and style of dress.

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Reverend Thomas Crosby fonds

  • 96
  • Fundo
  • 1863 - [199-], predominantly 1863 - [191-]

The records in this fonds pertain to Rev. Crosby’s missionary activities and personal life in British Columbia, Canada. Personal life and missionary activity records include: photographs, bibles, hymns, scriptures, and one textile object.

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Audrey Hawthorn fonds (private records)

  • 115
  • Fundo
  • 1950 - 1998, predominant 1960 -1980

This fonds consists primarily of records generated by Audrey Hawthorn in her position as an anthropology professor at the University of British Columbia and records related to her publications. It includes notes, course materials, correspondence, memos, draft copies of publications, and some published materials (originals and photocopies). This fonds also contains photographic materials, primarily slides used in teaching Anthropology 331 and 431. The fonds is organized into the following series and subseries:

  1. Teaching Records (1963-1978)
    A. Anthropology 331 and Anthropology 431
    B. Teaching Slides

  2. Professional Development Records (1973-1975)

  3. Research and Publications Records (1955-1982)
    A. Art of the Kwakiutl Indians
    B. Kwakiutl Ceremonial Art
    C. A Labour of Love
    D. Exhibits and Other Research

  4. Bill Reid (1962-1998)

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Michael Kew fonds (private records)

  • 69
  • Fundo
  • [195-] - 1997

The fonds consists primarily of slides as well as other materials generated in the course of Dr. Kew’s teaching and studies of the Northwest Coast from 1971-1996 as well as from the exhibit he curated on central Coast Salish three-dimensional art.

There is one series in the fonds:

  1. Teaching and Research

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Michael Kew (MOA curator) fonds

  • 116
  • Fundo
  • [1978] - 1997

The fonds consists of slides collected by Dr. Kew in the course of curating the exhibition Visions of Power, Symbols of Wealth: Central Coast Salish Sculpture and Engraving. The fonds is divided into the following series: Central Coast Salish Art Inventory ([1978]-1979), and Visions of Power, Symbols of Wealth Exhibition (1980). It also contains reports, memos, minutes and correspondence relating to the Ways and Means Committee.

There are three series in the fonds:

1.  Central Coast Salish Art Inventory
2. Visions of Power, Symbols of Wealth Exhibition
3. Ways and Means Committee

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Alan R. Sawyer fonds

  • 13
  • Fundo
  • 1940 - 1996, predominant 1974-1985

The fonds consists of records created and/or accumulated by Sawyer, predominately during his time as a professor and as a researcher at the University of British Columbia. Presently, there are two series in this fonds reflecting Sawyer’s research on the artifacts of Northwest Coast First Nation communities, including the: Tlingit; Haida; Tsimshian; Gitxsan; Nisga’a; Kwakwaka’wakw (formerly Kwakiutl); Nuxalk; Nuu-chah-nulth (formerly Nootka); and Coast Salish First Nations. The series contains slides, scrapbooks, photographs, textual records, and ephemera.

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Edward F. Meade fonds

  • 44
  • Fundo
  • 1953 - 1994

The fonds consists predominantly of slides of various petroglyphs and pictographs, primarily from locations on the Northwest Coast of British Columbia. The fonds also contains location charts of petroglyphs and the creator’s typed notes about various sites.

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Gordon Miller collection

  • 36
  • Colección
  • [1979?]-1993

The collection consists of nine large watercolour illustrative panels commissioned by the UBC Museum of Anthropology, eight of which were commissioned for the exhibit "The Four Seasons: Food Getting in British Columbia Prehistory," which ran from April to November 1979. The other watercolour is from an unidentified exhibit or sourcebook.

The collection also contains one painting that was commissioned by the museum for a publication (Museum Note, no.12, "Ninstints: World Heritage Site"), as well as a blueprint reproduction of a related drawing. These are renderings of how the houses and poles on a beach at the Ninstints village site might have looked when they were in use. The rendering is based on George MacDonald's map.

Collection consists of the following items:

001: The Four Seasons – Spring – Interior [1979?]
002: The Four Seasons – Spring – Coast [1979?]
003: The Four Seasons – Summer – Interior [1979?]
004: The Four Seasons – Summer – Coast [1979?]
005: The Four Seasons – Autumn – Interior [1979?]
006: The Four Seasons – Autumn – Coast [1979?]
007: The Four Seasons – Winter – Interior [1979?]
008: The Four Seasons – Winter – Coast [1979?]
009: Haida six beam house 1993
010: [Ninstints village painting] 1983
011: [Ninstints village, drawing for Museum Note] 1983

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Audrey Shane fonds

  • 99
  • Fundo
  • 1973 - 1992, predominant 1975 - 1987

Fonds consists of records created by Audrey Shane as Archivist/Librarian and later Curator of Documentation of the Museum of Anthropology. The records consist of mainly textual and graphic material. The records include correspondence, internal memoranda, minutes of committee meetings, reports, student papers, handwritten notations, draft copies of articles and papers, book reviews, grant applications, drafts of text labels, photographs, negatives, contact sheets, slides and other textual and graphic material related to Shane’s functions and activities at the Museum.

The fonds has been organized into the following series:

  1. Exhibition files 1977-1987
  2. Collections files 1976-1992
  3. Project files 1979-1986
  4. Database files 1973-1987
  5. Museum history files 1974-1989
  6. Papers/teaching/lecture files 1975-1987
  7. General administration files 1975-1987
  8. External committees files 1978-1987
  9. Conference files 1977-1986

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Friends of the Museum of Anthropology fonds

  • 112
  • Fundo
  • 1977 - 1992, predominant 1978 - 1984

Fonds consists of records related to the administrative functions of the society and includes meeting minutes, internal and external correspondence, membership lists, committee and sub-committee files, records about the society’s constitution and seal, and relevant financial information. There is also a file related to the 1981 benefit concert for the proposed Haida canoe wing.

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Herb Watson fonds

  • 107
  • Fundo
  • 1975 - 1992

Fonds consists of records generated by Watson while working as an exhibit designer at the Museum of Anthropology. Material includes records gernated during the preparation and documentation of exhibitions at the Museum, as well as records generated for two additional design projects undertaken by Watson during his tenure at MOA: the design of textile storage and display unit, 1980-1984; and the design of an extension to the west wing of MOA, 1988-1990.

Fonds is organized into two series:
1 - Museum design
2 - Exhibition design

See attached pdf document for series descriptions and file list.

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Margaret Stott fonds

  • 65
  • Fundo
  • 1976 - 1991, predominant 1979 - 1990

Fonds consists of correspondence, minutes of meetings, policy drafts, report drafts and final reports, conference notes, product brochures, published materials, press clippings, questionnaires, evaluations, and memorandums pertaining to public programs, education, and curator activities.
The fonds includes the following series:

  1. Curriculum Vitae of Margaret Stott (1991),
  2. Conference Records (1984-1989),
  3. Volunteer Associates Program Records (1981-1989),
  4. School Programs Records (1984-1987),
  5. University of British Columbia Museum Studies Records (1980-1989),
  6. Public Programs Records (1979-1988),
  7. Administrative Records (1976-1989),
  8. Cultural Review Board Records (1987-1989),
  9. Financial Records (1985),
  10. Acquisitions Committee Records (1984-1988),
  11. Textile Committee Records (1980),
  12. Audio Tour Records (1976-1985),
  13. Video Disc Project Records (1981-1988),
  14. Audio-Visual Programs Records (1978-1985),
  15. Homecoming '86 Records (1985-1986),
  16. Exhibit Records (1977-1987)

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Lyle Wilson fonds

  • 63
  • Fundo
  • 1991 (report). Poster undated.

Fonds consists of a copy of Wilson’s “Kitlope Report: Various Haisla Artifacts” and a poster with map designed by Wilson, titled "Kitamaat: People of the Snow" and featuring Haisla place names.

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Audrey Hawthorn (MOA Curator) fonds

  • 35
  • Fundo
  • 1941-1991, predominant 1947-1978

Fonds consists of records generated by Audrey Hawthorn in her positions as curator of the Museum of Anthropology.

The fonds is arranged into ten series:

1 - General
2 - Finances
3 - Human Resources
4 - Facilities and Services
5 - Collections
6 - Exhibitions
7 - Public Programmes
8 - School Programmes
9 - Teaching/Training/Research
10 - External Relations

These series are further divided into various subseries. The records include, but are not limited to, correspondence between Audrey Hawthorn and a variety of donors, scholars, and other parties associated with the museum; materials documenting collections acquisitions and loans; and records relating to visible storage, and the planning and development of the new museum building. There is extensive documentation concerning the acquisition, development and maintenance of the museum collections. The fonds also includes records of Harry Hawthorn, who formally held the position of Director of the museum, during much of his wife’s tenure as Curator, though often it was Audrey Hawthorn who took on the responsibilities of the directorship. Records in this fonds take the form of correspondence, memoranda, ephemera, newspaper clippings, photographs, sketches, plans slides financial documents, schedules, notes, and forms.

See attached pdf document for full finding aid and box/file list.

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Blanca and Ricardo Muratorio fonds

  • 32
  • Fundo
  • 1970 - 1990

The fonds consist of slides taken by Blanca and Ricardo Muratorio relating to fieldwork, folk arts and crafts of Ecuador and Peru taken by Blanca and Ricardo Muratorio. The colour photographs relate to the Corpus Christi [Ecuador] fiesta and dancers and the 1998 exhibit at the UBC Museum of Anthropology of works for sale by Andean artists, “Images of Andean Lives.”

Textual records consist of Ricardo Muratorio’s report on folk art, and materials relating to two exhibitions which took place at the Museum of Anthropology: the poster and Spanish text for “Images of Andean Lives” [1998] and an invitation for “Sewing Dissent: Patterns of Resistance in Chile” [1987].

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Madeline Bronsdon Rowan fonds

  • 64
  • Fundo
  • 1969 - 1990, predominantly 1976 - 1983

The fonds consists of articles, brochures, classification scheme, correspondence, evaluations, fables, financial records, guidelines, lecture notes, memorandums, minutes of meetings, nitrate negatives, photographs, plans, policies, proposals, published and unpublished articles, receipts, reports, research notes, schedules, scripts, shipping lists, sketches, slides, statistics, surveys, workshop notes relating to Madeline Bronsdon Rowan's curatorial function at the Museum of Anthropology.

The records are arranged into the following 13 series:

  1. Administrative records (1975-1986)
  2. Permanent and temporary exhibitions records (1974-1988)
  3. Summer and Sunday programmes records (1976-198-)
  4. Projects records (1975-1986)
  5. Collections records (1976-1984)
  6. Volunteer Associates records (1976-1980)
  7. School programmes records (1975-1985)
  8. Native studies records (1969-1984)
  9. University teaching function records (1978-1986)
  10. Other educational records (1979-1982);
  11. Published and unpublished articles (1972-1982)
  12. MOA’s history records (1987-1990)
  13. Orientation Centre records (1978-1987)

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Penelope Connell collection

  • 70
  • Colección
  • [ca. 1990]

Collection consists of 14 hand-tinted photographs of Japan. Geographic areas represented by these photographs include Kobe, Enosha Island, Tokyo, Nagasaki, Chuzenji Lake at Nikko, Inland Sea at Bingo, Kamakura, Yokohama and Honmoku.

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Hugh Campbell-Brown fonds

  • 55
  • Fundo
  • 19--

Fonds consists of papers that appear to be the beginning of a catalogue of Chinese charms and coins that were hand drawn. It is not clear whether they are specific to the Campbell-Brown collection of Chinese coins that were acquired by the Museum of Anthropology. However, they were acquired in the same trunk as the Campbell-Brown collection of Chinese coins.

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