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Jonathan Griffin fonds

  • 60
  • Fonds
  • 1974 - 1978

Fonds consists of a paper written for Anthropology 301 taught by Professor Dr. Michael Kew, entitled [Red Cod Island Village or Ninstints Village] - A Memorial, with accompanying colour slide images of the carved poles of Anthony Island, a permanent village of the Kunghit Haida, located on the southern shores of Haida Gwaii.

Sans titre

Reginald Robinson collection

  • 74
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1945]

The collection consist of photographs Robinson took of Aboriginal Australian peoples, small placards with descriptions of tribal items and customs, and two articles and a photograph regarding a Hobby Show Robinson participated in in 1947.

Sans titre

Robert Keziere fonds

  • 76
  • Fonds
  • 1982

The fonds consists of 17 photographic prints taken by Robert Keziere on October 20, 1982 of artist Bill Reid working in his Kerrisdale (Vancouver) studio. The film remained unprocessed until 2009, when it was developed and the prints, contact sheet, and DVD were created. The DVD contains image files in multiple resolutions. In 2021 an additional roll of film was discovered by Keziere and prints, negatives, contact sheet, and USB flash drive were added to the fonds.

Sans titre

Selig and Gloria Kaplan fonds

  • 77
  • Fonds
  • Digitized 1998 - 2011 (originally created 1977 - 2011)

The fonds consists of photographs of Gloria Kaplan with various indigenous artists, whose names have been recorded in the image titles and IPTC metadata. The photographs were taken by Selig Kaplan with the intention of documenting the artists from whom the Kaplans acquired artwork or anticipated acquiring artwork from.

Sans titre

Sharon Fortney fonds

  • 78
  • Fonds
  • 2006 - 2008

The fonds consists of one file titled Interview Transcripts, which contains recorded interviews, transcripts, and printed copies of transcribed interviews of research done by Sharon Fortney towards her PhD thesis titled Forging New Partnerships: Coast Salish Communities and Museums. Forney's thesis explores what motivates Coast Salish communities to participate in museum representations; considers the legal implications of such representations with respect to aboriginal rights; and analyzes of the diverse experiences of Coast Salish individuals in specific museum projects and partnerships with the goal of progressing museum and community interactions along a path to equal partnership.

The audiotapes in the fonds contain interviews with Coast Salish community members and artists regarding museums. The CD-R contains transcripts of interviews and is located in the temporary CD storage box. Sharon Fortney's curriculam vitae, thesis abstract, and 10 interviewee consent forms are located in the case file.

Sans titre

Stephen Inglis fonds

  • 79
  • Fonds
  • 1974 - 1977

Fonds consists of photographic material created by Dr. Stephen Inglis and a series of twenty-four black and white prints depicting potters in a small community in India or images of fertility statues photographed by colleague Walter Huber. The colour negatives show local artisans and their works. The black and white photos mounted on cards were created between 1974 and 1977 and show Indian craftspeople, particularly Bengalis and Tamils. The images may have been created for the purpose of Dr. Inglis’s PhD research.

AC 2002-48-001 Siva murthi, Bastarnar
AC 2002-48-002 Siva Murthi, Bastarnar
AC 2002-48-003 Danteshwari Mandir Murthi, Dantewara
AC 2002-48-004 Amarkantak (source of Narbada River)
AC 2002-48-005 Danteshwari Mandir Murthi
AC 2002-48-006 Gharwa Cire-perdue Caster, Jagdalpur
AC 2002-48-007 Kumar, Nagarnar
AC 2002-48-008 Nagarnar Kumar family Terracotta mata murthis and guardian figures
AC 2002-48-009 Maria pillar, old form no longer made, near Gidam
AC 2002-48-010 The Eyes Have It
AC 2002-48-011 Kumar, Nagarnar
AC 2002-48-012 Danteshwari Mandir Murthi
AC 2002-48-013 L’Eternelle Idole, Rodin
AC 2002-48-014 Siva murthi, Bastarnar
AC 2002-48-015 Maria commemorative pillar, Bastarnar (“Bison-Horn”)
AC 2002-48-016 Kumar (demonstrating pottery wheel) Nagarnar village nr, Jagdalpur
AC 2002-48-017 Sonmura (source of Son River near Amarkantak Baba)
AC 2002-48-018 Assi Ghat, Benares Summer ‘76
AC 2002-48-019 Kumar, Nagarnar
AC 2002-48-020 Waiting for the bus near Jagdalpur
AC 2002-48-021 Kumar, Nagarnar
AC 2002-48-022 “Bison-Horn” Maria commemorative pillar, detail, Bastarnar
AC 2002-48-023 Gharwa, Jagdalpur
AC 2002-48-024 From Sonmura looking northwest
*Please note that AC 2002-48-01 through AC 2002-48-024 are attributed to Walter Huber

AC2002-48-025  48-76 are 51 colour negatives that depict local craftspeople and shrines in India.

AC2002-22-001 22-160 are black and white photographic prints mounted on white card. The images depict local Indian craftspeople, particularly Bengalis and Tamils. Some are identified with location and what is happening in the photo, while some are unidentified.

Sans titre

Stuart Schofield fonds

  • 80
  • Fonds
  • 1923 - 1924, 1969

Fonds consists of nitrate negatives, copy negatives, prints and postcards of China and Japan, specifically of Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing (Peking), Yokohama and Nagasaki. These images were taken by Stuart Schofield during a geological survey expedition in 1923-24. In 1925, Mrs. Florence Schofield compiled the photographs into an album and provided comments for the photos from her memory of the trip.

An accrual to this fonds was discovered in the backlog. It is not known whether this accrual was part of the original accession. In adding this accrual, the case file was consulted and the photocopy of Dr. Schofield’s journal was discovered. This was added to the binder that contains the prints, negatives, and postcards.
Dr. Elizabeth Johnson was responsible for organizing this fonds and she has identified some places and people that were not originally identified by Mrs. Schofield. Her annotations appear in square brackets.

Accrual #2010-06 was added after Dr. Johnson’s organization. This included photographs and postcards. One postcard is dated 1969, but most appear to be ca. 1923-1924 like the original materials.

Sans titre

Marie-Claire Delahaye fonds

  • 66
  • Fonds
  • 1956 - 1969

The fonds consists of photographs and textual records relating to Delahaye’s years working in Zambia, Africa with the Lozi people.

Sans titre

Penelope Connell collection

  • 70
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1990]

Collection consists of 14 hand-tinted photographs of Japan. Geographic areas represented by these photographs include Kobe, Enosha Island, Tokyo, Nagasaki, Chuzenji Lake at Nikko, Inland Sea at Bingo, Kamakura, Yokohama and Honmoku.

Sans titre

Virginia Lade fonds

  • 83
  • Fonds
  • 1968

Fonds consists of seventy-three slides of New Guinea and includes images of markets, buildings, local inhabitants, and landscapes in and around Lae, Goroka, Port Moresby, and other unidentified locations.

Sans titre

Walter C. Koerner fonds

  • 85
  • Fonds
  • [196-] - [199-]

Fonds consists of physical and intellectual descriptions of objects in the form of photographs and textual records that provide relevant background information and bibliographic citations relating to Koerner’s personal collections. Fonds consts of two series: W. and M. Koerner ceramics collection and Northwest Coast Indian art.

Sans titre

Ben Williams Leeson collection

  • 93
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1908], [ca. 1972]

The fonds consists of 66 photographic prints, some of which are hand-coloured, stamped “B.W. Leeson Quatsino, B.C.”, labelled on the front or back with explanatory information, or signed in ink. One print of a longhouse is stamped “The Leeson Collection Copyright 1914.” The photographic subject matter relates to British Columbia’s Kwakwaka'wakw First Nations and the British Columbia landscape. Also included is a copy of Portraits of the Indians of Quatsino by Benjamin W. Leeson (Kit #20) by Susan Roper, produced by the Research Project on Early B.C. Photography at the Vancouver Public Library around 1972, and 23 duplicate slides which accompany it.

Sans titre

Lynn Hill fonds

  • 103
  • Fonds
  • 1998 - 2000

The fonds consists of the records created by Lynn Hill while she was employed as curator-in-residence at the Museum of Anthropology. They relate predominantly to her curation of the exhibition Raven’s Reprise. The exhibition involved the installation of works by contemporary Northwest Coast artists around the Museum, and was intended to challenge viewers’ expectations of Northwest Coast art by juxtaposing traditionally accepted aesthetics and technology with modern materials and urban sensibilities. Records reflect Hill’s planning of the exhibition, as well as her communication with artists involved in the exhibit and in a complimentary series of public talks. Other records relate to Hill’s work on Gallery 3 and with the Native Youth Program.

Documents include source books, correspondence, reports, training materials, budgets, grant applications, exhibit proposals, draft exhibition materials, resumes, brochures, photographs, interview transcripts, and copies of print materials.

Sans titre

Gordon and Louanne Houston fonds

  • 50
  • Fonds
  • 1985 - 1987

During their time living in Bella Bella, the Houstons took many photographs of the lives of the Heiltsuk First Nation community documenting the day-to-day lives of the Heiltsuk First Nation as well as ceremonial activities. The colour slides document the construction, painting, and launching of the Gi’wa, a Heiltsuk canoe which sailed with the Lootaas, the Haida canoe built by Bill Reid for Expo 86. Some of the slides document the welcome feast at Bella Bella in honour of the Haida crew of the Lootaas. The colour slides also document several potlatches and wedding feasts held in the community hall, and the local Sports Day parade. Slides also depict the role of the fishing in the community, such as smoking salmon and processing roe. Other photos document gravestones on a nearby cemetery island, derelict canneries, petroglyphs and pictographs, totem poles and house posts, all in or near Bella Bella.

Sans titre

William McLennan (MOA Curator) fonds

  • 1
  • Fonds
  • 1956, [197-?] - 2013

Fonds consists of records created by McLennan during his employment at the Museum. Fonds has been arranged into six series. The first series is titled Exhibits and relates to McLennan’s role first as a designer and photographer of exhibits and later as a curator of exhibits. Each exhibit is arranged into a separate subseries. Some of the photographs were taken by staff who worked for McLennan.

The second series is titled Projects and events. This series relates to McLennan’s role as photographer. He has recorded many events and documented projects through the use of photography. On some projects he also took on the role of designer.

The third series is titled Multiversity galleries and contains materials related to the creation of the Multiversity gallery space which occurred as part of the Partnership of Peoples Renewal project from 2007-2010.

The fourth series is titled general research and contains materials related to McLennan’s research in art on the northwest coast of British Columbia. The research series has been sub-divided into four sub-series: museums, archives and subject files, artist files, culture photographs and books.

The fifth series is titled Bill Reid and contains materials created and collected about Bill Reid and his work by McLennan.

The sixth series is titled Administration, public relations and correspondence and relates to McLennan’s administrative role at MOA, containing administrative records.

Additional digital records from this fonds are still being processed and will be added to this finding aid at a later date.

Sans titre

Gordon Miller collection

  • 36
  • Collection
  • [1979?]-1993

The collection consists of nine large watercolour illustrative panels commissioned by the UBC Museum of Anthropology, eight of which were commissioned for the exhibit "The Four Seasons: Food Getting in British Columbia Prehistory," which ran from April to November 1979. The other watercolour is from an unidentified exhibit or sourcebook.

The collection also contains one painting that was commissioned by the museum for a publication (Museum Note, no.12, "Ninstints: World Heritage Site"), as well as a blueprint reproduction of a related drawing. These are renderings of how the houses and poles on a beach at the Ninstints village site might have looked when they were in use. The rendering is based on George MacDonald's map.

Collection consists of the following items:

001: The Four Seasons – Spring – Interior [1979?]
002: The Four Seasons – Spring – Coast [1979?]
003: The Four Seasons – Summer – Interior [1979?]
004: The Four Seasons – Summer – Coast [1979?]
005: The Four Seasons – Autumn – Interior [1979?]
006: The Four Seasons – Autumn – Coast [1979?]
007: The Four Seasons – Winter – Interior [1979?]
008: The Four Seasons – Winter – Coast [1979?]
009: Haida six beam house 1993
010: [Ninstints village painting] 1983
011: [Ninstints village, drawing for Museum Note] 1983

Sans titre

Nadia Abu-Zahra fonds

  • 23
  • Fonds
  • 1966-1972

The fonds consists of 26 colour slides, including ceremonies and traditions related to weddings and male circumcision taken in Tunisia, as well as scenery and people in Algeria.

Sans titre

Virginia Small fonds

  • 19
  • Fonds
  • 1920-1922

Fonds consists of photographs taken by Virginia Small’s husband, Harry M. Small during a trip to Japan between 1920 and 1922. Photos depict a variety of scenes from rural and urban life including craft and silk production, farming, fishing and ceremonial activities. In addition, the fonds includes photos, both posed and candid, of various individuals including members of the traveling party, as well as photos of landscapes and architecture.
Some photos are marked with the subject, date and location on the back with pencil.

Dan Jorgensen fonds

  • 39
  • Fonds
  • 1974 - 1975

Fonds consists of 83 photographs taken between 1974 and 75 when Dan Jorgensen was in Papua New Guinea to study the Telefolmin people. The images have been mounted on card and are labeled with place and title. Most of them were assigned a number and letter by Dr. Jorgensen. On the verso of the card, Dr. Jorgensen has detailed what is happening in the image.

The material is grouped according to a letter designation which Dr. Jorgensen had assigned. The assistant archivist has assigned a DJ and number to those images that Dr. Jorgensen had not numbered.

1 Daduvip boy
2 village children
3 Daduvip children
4 Foiwalmin boy
5 three young girls
6 3 Telefomin girls
7 Daduvip children
8 women and children
9 women in mourning
10 women and children
11 gov’t headsman
12 Daduvip woman [Mislabeled. This is a portrait of Robinokof, a young man, of Dividuvip hamlet.]
13 father and son
14 Faiwolmin hunter
15 decorated feather bag
16 spirit house
15 Faiwolmin man
17 imitation headdress [initiation?]
19 two men in dance regalia
20 traditional dress
21 dancing costume
22 Telefolmin men

1 prized taro plant
2 new taro garden
4 man and his gear
5 mother and child
6 pandanus fruit
7 preparing food
8 cooking fruit
9 placing cooking stones
10 cooking fruit parcels
11 food for feast
12 singeing pig
12 cooking for feast
13 & c. 2 small feast
14 cooking for feast
15 Daduvip women
16 pig-kill
17 binding pig for sacrifice
18 killing pig
19 kill pig
20 pig dispatched
21 singeing pig
23 butchering a pig

1 & c. 2 ancestral village
2 Telfolip village
3 house building
4 house building
5 house building
6 house building
7 & c. 2 old Daduvip woman
8 spirit house
9 spirit house
10 the Yolan-ritual house
11 men’s compound
12 Kobelman
13 menstrual & childbirth hut
15 ethnographer’s house

[DJ] :
1 curing ceremony
2 plating ritual
3 ceremonial planting
4 curer & patient
5 fighting demonstration
6 fighting demonstration
7 fighting shield
8 fight demonstration
9 healing ritual
10 healing ritual
11 healing rituals
12 sacred netbag
13 child prophet NOTE: Consultation of photographer necessary before public display of this image
14 dancers
15 clay sculptures
16 Ifitamin valley
17 slow cooking technique
18 preparing a fire
19 ceremony
20 curing ritual
21 food for feast
22 (H 14 F 3) old garden house

Sans titre

Edward Dunn fonds

  • 43
  • Fonds
  • 1958

Fonds consists of 17 coloured photographic prints and 14 corresponding negatives. Photographs contain images of individuals in an arctic environment, but the exact location is unknown.

Sans titre

Résultats 81 à 100 sur 152