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Audrey Hawthorn fonds (private records)

  • 115
  • Fonds
  • 1950 - 1998, predominant 1960 -1980

This fonds consists primarily of records generated by Audrey Hawthorn in her position as an anthropology professor at the University of British Columbia and records related to her publications. It includes notes, course materials, correspondence, memos, draft copies of publications, and some published materials (originals and photocopies). This fonds also contains photographic materials, primarily slides used in teaching Anthropology 331 and 431. The fonds is organized into the following series and subseries:

  1. Teaching Records (1963-1978)
    A. Anthropology 331 and Anthropology 431
    B. Teaching Slides

  2. Professional Development Records (1973-1975)

  3. Research and Publications Records (1955-1982)
    A. Art of the Kwakiutl Indians
    B. Kwakiutl Ceremonial Art
    C. A Labour of Love
    D. Exhibits and Other Research

  4. Bill Reid (1962-1998)

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Rosa Ho fonds

  • 105
  • Fonds
  • 1976 - 1999, predominant 1988 - 1999

The fonds consists of records relating to Rosa Ho’s functions as a Curator of Art and Public Programmes at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. Records include correspondence, memoranda, handwritten notes, minutes, object lists, reports, brochures, press releases, newspaper clippings, interview transcripts and tapes, financial statements, grant applications, publication drafts, policy information, mission statements, and other materials. The records are predominantly from 1988 to 1999, while Rosa was the Curator of Art and Public Programmes. The records largely pertain to events, programming, and exhibitions held at the Museum of Anthropology. Also included in the fonds are records relating to external projects and publications.

The fonds is arranged in the following 11 series:

  1. Public programme planning
  2. Exhibition planning
  3. Institutional planning
  4. Museum of Anthropology committees
  5. Collections – information, acquisition and documentation
  6. Inuit research
  7. BC First Nations research
  8. Pow Wow
  9. Volunteers and education
  10. External publications and projects
  11. Administration

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Minn Sjolseth fonds

  • 144
  • Fonds
  • 1966-1999

The fonds reflects Minn Sjolseth's artistic career and travels to First Nations communities throughout British Columbia and Alaska with her husband Anthony Carter. Contents of the fonds depict First Nations cultures in British Columbia between 1960 and 1980, including Haida, Coast Salish, Kwakwaka'wakw, Gitsegukla, Kispiox, and Nisga'a. Several of the contents depict notable figures, including Chief Dan George and August Jacks.

The fonds includes textual records including correspondence, ephemera, newspaper clippings; graphic materials such as photographs, slides, negatives, and transparencies that depict Sjolseth’s travels and artworks; and artworks produced by Sjolseth including paintings, drawings, and prints.

The fonds is organized into the following series:

  1. Personal records
  2. Artwork an Exhibition records
  3. Artworks

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Harlan Smith collection

  • 87
  • Collection
  • 1919-1925, 1999

Fonds consists of photographic prints and text labels used in the “Emergence from the Shadow: First Peoples’ Photographic Perspective” exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, from October 22, 1999 to January 6, 2002. The images depict several different First Nations groups including Haida, Kimsquit, Bella Coola, Ulkatcho-Carrier, Chilcotin, Assiniboine, and Gitksan. The label text incorporates information which Smith recorded at the time of creation. It gives name and age (if known) of the sitters as well as lineage, employment, and style of dress.

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Reverend Thomas Crosby fonds

  • 96
  • Fonds
  • 1863 - [199-], predominantly 1863 - [191-]

The records in this fonds pertain to Rev. Crosby’s missionary activities and personal life in British Columbia, Canada. Personal life and missionary activity records include: photographs, bibles, hymns, scriptures, and one textile object.

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Charles S. Brant fonds

  • 38
  • Fonds
  • 1948 - [200-?], predominant 1948-1950

Fonds documents Brant’s pre-doctoral research in Burma. As a Fulbright scholar working with the United States Educational Foundation, Brant submitted quarterly reports to the foundation detailing his arrival and adjustment to life in Burma, as well as his sociological research in the community of Tadagale and other areas of the country. Brant also provided the U.S. Foreign Service with his observations of life in the Shan States, where Brant and his wife first lived when they arrived in Burma in 1949. After returning to the United States in 1950, Brant published articles on the research he completed while in Burma. Records in this series include academic and government reports; articles; Brant’s curriculum vitae; a digitized slide show and 8 mm movie; a grant application; notes; and photographic negatives and prints. It is likely that most of the photographs were taken by Jane Brant, but these are not identified.

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MOA General Media collection

  • 132
  • Collection
  • [1870] - [2000]

Collection consists of the media -including photographs, sound recordings, and video recordings - that is about, by, or related to the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) and its collections. Media can be found in many collections and fonds in the MOA Archives; the media in this General Media collection are those that do not belong to a more specific archival collection, usually because their provenance is not known.

The collection is divided into three series based on media type:

  1. Photographs
  2. Video recordings
  3. Sound recordings

Lynn Hill fonds

  • 103
  • Fonds
  • 1998 - 2000

The fonds consists of the records created by Lynn Hill while she was employed as curator-in-residence at the Museum of Anthropology. They relate predominantly to her curation of the exhibition Raven’s Reprise. The exhibition involved the installation of works by contemporary Northwest Coast artists around the Museum, and was intended to challenge viewers’ expectations of Northwest Coast art by juxtaposing traditionally accepted aesthetics and technology with modern materials and urban sensibilities. Records reflect Hill’s planning of the exhibition, as well as her communication with artists involved in the exhibit and in a complimentary series of public talks. Other records relate to Hill’s work on Gallery 3 and with the Native Youth Program.

Documents include source books, correspondence, reports, training materials, budgets, grant applications, exhibit proposals, draft exhibition materials, resumes, brochures, photographs, interview transcripts, and copies of print materials.

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Marjorie M. Halpin fonds (private records)

  • 117
  • Fonds
  • 1924 - 2000, predominant 1966 - 2000

Fonds consists of records created by Marjorie Halpin as a professor and scholar of Anthropology. The records mainly consist of textual records and audio-visual material including photographs, slides, audio-cassettes, video-cassettes, posters and maps. The records include correspondence, memoranda, reports, curriculum vitae, cue cards, invitations, lecture notes, planning notes, research notes, draft copies of articles and papers, reviews of publications written by Halpin and reviews of Halpin’s own work, grant applications, budgets, negatives, contact sheets, postcards, overheads, taped interviews, minutes of committee meetings, published proceedings of conferences and other material relating to Halpin’s participation in conferences.

The fonds has been organized into the following series:

  1. Teaching and Education Files, 1971-2000
  2. Research Files, 1938-1999
  3. Published and Unpublished Works, 1968-2000
  4. Community Service Files, 1972-2000
  5. Correspondence Files, 1924-2000

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Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) collection

  • 98
  • Collection
  • 1996 - 2000, predominant 1997

The APEC collection was established in 1997 when the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) hired two students, Todd Tubutis and Maria Roth. These two students were supervised by Director and Professor Ruth B. Phillips, and instructed to gather information in a variety of formats that would serve to represent the events of the 1997 APEC Leaders Meeting at MOA. These materials, in addition to their archival value, were to be used in a public exhibition at the museum and for other museum educational projects.

The collection consists of materials gathered by Todd Tubutis and Maria Roth in 1997 and 1998. These two students were hired to gather information in a variety of formats that would serve to represent the events of the 1997 APEC Leaders’ Meeting at the Museum. These records consist of textual materials, sound recordings, photographs, posters and banners, and physical artifacts. The records include: photographs of the Museum of Anthropology in preparation for the Leaders’ Meeting and protests against APEC at UBC and throughout Vancouver; posters and banners collected at protests at UBC and the Museum of Anthropology; radio broadcast recordings from UBC campus radio (CITR) on the day of the APEC Leaders’ Meeting and heavy student protesting; official APEC paraphernalia (both textual and graphic); textual records of the impact APEC had at the Museum of Anthropology; newspaper and journal articles concerning the APEC Leaders’ Meeting at the Museum of Anthropology; press releases from protest groups, the Prime Minister’s Office, and APEC; concerns of the Musqueam Nation regarding APEC; and coverage of the APEC Leaders’ Meeting in U.S. newspapers.

Sans titre

Marjorie Halpin (MOA Curator) fonds

  • 118
  • Fonds
  • 1928 - 2000, predominant 1971 - 2000

The fonds consists of records created by Marjorie Halpin as Curator of Ethnology at the Museum of Anthropology with some records relating to her activities as professor of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. The records include correspondence, reports, memos, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, published and unpublished papers, grant application forms, loan permission forms, financial statements, course outlines and bibliographies, curator’s meeting papers, photographs, negatives and slides.

The fonds has been organized into the following series:

  1. Exhibition Files (1928-1999, predominant 1973-1999)
  2. Administration Files (1966-2000)
  3. Museum of Anthropology Projects (1928-2000, predominant 1971-2000)
  4. Museum of Anthropology Events (1976-1999)
  5. Published and Unpublished Papers and Reviews (1971-1998)
  6. Conferences and Meetings (1973-1987)
  7. Teaching and Student Files (1968-1997)
  8. Miscellaneous (1971-1998)

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Kersti Krug fonds

  • 109
  • Fonds
  • 1990 - 2001

The fonds reflects Kersti Krug’s work on several major projects relating to organizational change and development at the University of British Columbia's Museum of Anthropology (MOA). Records created during Krug’s period as Director of Communications relate predominantly to surveys and studies conducted with members of, and visitors to, the Museum. Records Krug created in her capacity as co-director of MOA’s Certificate in Museum Studies Program illustrate the development of the program and its curriculum, and also its cancellation. As Manager of Research and Evaluation, Krug was involved in the initial stages of the MOA building expansion; records she produced during this period illustrate her consultative approach to assessing MOA’s space needs and her solicitation of proposals from architectural firms.

Records produced during these activities include proposals, questionnaires, interview transcriptions, data sets, graphs and charts, notes, drafts, and reports, draft curricula, copies of email correspondence, syllabi, research materials, and brochures.

The fonds has been arranged into the series:

A) Certificate in Museum Studies Program
B) MOA Space Needs and Development Options
C) Visitor Studies and Surveys
D) Vision/ Mission Statement
E) Galleries and Exhibitions.

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Genni Hennessy fonds

  • 48
  • Fonds
  • 2002 - 2003

The fonds consists of records relating to Hennessy’s 2003 MA thesis titled The Spirit of Collaboration: Exploring Critical Pedagogical Principles in Transforming the Museum Through Space and Time. Hennessy was interested in the relationships that developed between community members and museum staff during the process of putting together the Museum of Anthropology’s exhibit The Spirit of Islam, which ran from October 2001 to May 2002. Her purpose was to document the kinds of collaborative processes that occurred as the exhibit planning progressed in order to identify a model from which other museums working with communities might benefit.

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Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection

  • 81
  • Collection
  • 1940 - 2003 [predominantly 1940 - 1972]

The collection includes material relating to Alert Bay that was created or collected by Thomas and Mildred Laurie, as well as photographs and textual records created or received by James Barclay Williams, who bequeathed the records to Mildred Laurie. The collection includes a photo album, photographs, postcards, correspondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and a calendar. Photographs document Alert Bay and the surrounding area, including the B.C. Packers store, Christ Church, the native cemetery, St. Michael’s Residential School and Preventorium, Canada Packers, Hardy Bay, totem poles, a long house, and the Nimpkish Hotel. Photographs also document local events, including potlatches, weddings, an outdoor salmon barbeque, BC centenary celebrations in 1958, native ceremonies, and a visit by the Governor General.

The material is arranged in the following files:

01 - James Barclay Williams – Correspondence and press clippings, 1968-1972
02 - James Barclay Williams – Photographs, [1908?]-1967
03 - Mildred Laurie - Photo album photographs, [194-]-1974
04 - Mildred Laurie – Photographs and postcards, [194-]-[199-]
05 - Slides and negatives, 1952-1972
06 - Pamphlets, ephemera, and press clippings, 1947-2003
07 - James Barclay Williams – Photo album, 1940-1941

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Museum of Anthropology Student Exhibition and Research collection

  • 125
  • Collection
  • 1973 - 2003

Collection consists of projects and reports written by students in Anthropology 302, 431, 432, 433, 449, 518 and other related courses and programs. The projects and reports include information about exhibits designed and displayed at the Museum of Anthropology
by the students; critiques on "current" museum exhibitions and programs; and proposal papers for student exhibit projects.

Paddling to Where I Stand collection

  • 138
  • Collection
  • 1979 - 2003

Collection illustrates the gathering of information and writing of the book “Paddling to Where I Stand : Agnes Alfred, Qwiqwasutinuxw Noblewoman.” Includes interviews to Agnes Alfred conducted by Martine J. Reid and Daisy Sewid-Smith between 1979 and 1985. Interviews are documented as audio and video recordings and their written transcriptions, and other materials gathered by Martine J. Reid and Daisy Sewid-Smith for the edition and publication of the book. Collection also contains the manuscripts and draft for the book; correspondence between Martine J. Reid, Daisy Sewid-Smith and other people; eulogies and funeral pamphlets; Agnes Alfred’s family information; historical notes; and miscellanea. Collection includes photographic materials with photographs included in the book and additional photographs gathered by Martine J. Reid and Daisy Sewid-Smith during their research, and portraits of Agnes Alfred’s parents.

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Darrin Morrison fonds

  • 106
  • Fonds
  • 1988 - 2005

Fonds consists of material related to Morrison’s involvement with several exhibits at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia, as well as his work planning and implementing preventative conservation measures, and his work design the Museum Research Centre. The fonds consists of one series of Exhibitions with sub-series corresponding to separate exhibits. Another series consists of information on a book on textiles and costumes. The last series consists of information about building projects that Morrison was involved with. Material consists of correspondence, handwritten notes, exhibit catalogs, poster and invitation proofs, budgets, slides, copy and 35 mm negatives, floppy disks, project descriptions, postcards, video cassettes and artist histories.

The fonds is arranged in the following series:

  1. Exhibitions
  2. Textiles and Costume
  3. Building Projects

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Hilary Stewart fonds

  • 122
  • Fonds
  • 1962 - 2005

Fonds consists of material related to the art, research, and writing of Hilary Stewart. The bulk of the material is related to the production of her books on the culture and art of the First Nations peoples of the Pacific Northwest. The remaining material relates to illustrations that she did for publications by other authors, a small amount of material done for personal use, and collected research and ephemera that does not appear to be related to one specific publication. Material includes original illustrations, collected research and notes, book drafts and pre-press materials, photographs, correspondence, and collected memorabilia.

The material has been arranged into three series:
1 - Books
2 - Illustrations and other artwork
3 - Collected research and ephemera

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Volunteer Associates fonds

  • 84
  • Fonds
  • 1975 - 2006

The fonds consists of the following series: source books by Kathie Roads (1970-1992); resignations (1976-1988); minutes (1976-1989); correspondence and memos (1975-1990); education and training (1976-1988); annual reports (1976-1989); photographs (1979-1982); subject files (1976-1991); and hours and attendance (1976-1989).

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Elizabeth Johnson fonds

  • 21
  • Fonds
  • 1980 - 2006

The records in this fonds were created and received in the course of Elizabeth Johnson’s tenure at the Museum of Anthropology. The records relate to activities Johnson was involved in through her various positions at the Museum, including: involvement with exhibitions, collections, the museums relations with the community and various community events sponsored by the museum, teaching and various administrative activities. The fonds consists of agendas, agreements, articles, artifact lists, attendance figures, biographies, books, business cards, budgets, calendar of events, catalogue drafts, comment books, conference schedule, consent forms, contract lists, correspondence, course descriptions, curators statement, declaration, diagram, drawings, evaluations, exhibit labels, expenses, internal forms (exhibit proposal forms), financial records, flyers, final reports, guidelines, grant applications, invitations, lecture notes, memoranda, minutes of meetings, museum exhibit diagrams, notes, permission forms, photographs, photograph labels, posters, plans, policies, press releases, proposals, publications (books), publicity records, receipts, reports, reproductions of newspaper ads and articles, research notes, revisions, schedules, slide list, slides, speaking notes, student papers, surveys, syllabi, teaching notes, transcripts of research interviews, audio cassettes of interviews, translations, visitor surveys and comments, and videos.

The fonds is arranged in the following series:

  1. Proposed Exhibits
  2. Exhibits
  3. Collections
  4. Special projects and events series
  5. Correspondence series
  6. Museum education series
  7. Administrative series
  8. Academic materials

See attached pdf document for description of series and file lists.

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Résultats 101 à 120 sur 152