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Lilo Berliner fonds

  • 145
  • Fundo
  • Nov. 1968 - 1975

Fonds consists of negative images of petroglyphs largely from the Pacific west coast of North America. Most of the images are from sites located in British Columbia, but there are also images from sites in Washington State, New Mexico, and other areas of the United States and Mexico. There are also images of artifacts, masks, totem poles, wood carvings, and graveyards. Images of family travels, landscapes, wild animals, and house cats are interspersed within the collection.

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Minn Sjolseth fonds

  • 144
  • Fundo
  • 1966-1999

The fonds reflects Minn Sjolseth's artistic career and travels to First Nations communities throughout British Columbia and Alaska with her husband Anthony Carter. Contents of the fonds depict First Nations cultures in British Columbia between 1960 and 1980, including Haida, Coast Salish, Kwakwaka'wakw, Gitsegukla, Kispiox, and Nisga'a. Several of the contents depict notable figures, including Chief Dan George and August Jacks.

The fonds includes textual records including correspondence, ephemera, newspaper clippings; graphic materials such as photographs, slides, negatives, and transparencies that depict Sjolseth’s travels and artworks; and artworks produced by Sjolseth including paintings, drawings, and prints.

The fonds is organized into the following series:

  1. Personal records
  2. Artwork an Exhibition records
  3. Artworks

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Iris and Jack Lieber collection

  • 143
  • Colección
  • 1961-1972

The collection consists of research reports collected by Iris and Jack Lieber during their time in Africa and 5 Super 8 video reel tapes were collected during their time in Papua New Guinea. The research reports were written by students at the University of Ibadan, where Jack Lieber worked as a professor in the Department of Education. Reels include footage from schools and the community in Papua New Guinea. Collection also includes two books published by Jack Lieber, and a piece of correspondence sent to him.

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Hylton Smith fonds

  • 142
  • Fundo
  • May 1955

Colour slides of a shaman gathering labeled as a "Witchdoctor Conference" that took place in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1955, and other images from South Africa (Johannesburg, Zululand, Ndebele village near Pretoria, and Majuji Village near Transvaal). Photos taken by Hylton Smith, who was working as an architect in Johannesburg when he witnessed and photographed the conference.

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Lorna R. Marsden fonds

  • 141
  • Fundo
  • Digitized 2016 (originally created 1971-1972)

The fonds consists of digitized photographs and slides taken by Lorna R. Marsden during her visit to northern Ethiopia in the late fall, winter, and spring of 1971-1972. Marsden traveled from Addis Ababa to Debre Libanos, Debre Markos, Bahar Dar, Gondar, Lalibela, Mekele, and Aksum. On this trip, Marsden purchased several objects, thirteen of which she later donated to the Museum of Anthropology in 2016. Photographs include images of buildings, landscapes, and cityscapes, historic and tourist sites, celebrations, marketplaces, objects and goods, scenes from everyday life in urban and rural northern Ethiopia, as well as other images related to or giving context to the donated objects. The photographs also show Marsden at historic sites and other locations in northern Ethiopia, with Ethiopian locals and her travelling companions, and with some of the donated objects.

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Charles E. Borden fonds

  • 140
  • Fundo
  • ca. 1954

The fonds consists of a file titled Tsimshian Totem Poles and contains 38 black and white photographs of Kitwancool totem poles.

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MOA Shop fonds

  • 140
  • Fundo
  • 1973-2011

The fonds consists of records generated and used by several creators that all support the functions of the MOA Shop at the University of British Columbia’s Museum of Anthropology. The fonds reflects the creators’ filing system and illustrates the MOA Shop’s activities of administration, purchasing, sales and retailing, product development and merchandising, wholesaling and distribution, vendor and artist relations, marketing, and event planning from its founding in 1977. These functions produce textual records including correspondence, committee meeting agendas and minutes, memoranda, statements and reports, business plans and budgets, inventories, policies and procedure documents, agreements and contracts, and sample publications; graphic materials such as photographs, slides, and negatives that document the Shop’s activities, retail space and display, special events, products, and other MOA exhibitions and events; and product samples including postcards and slides, apparel, fabric samples, accessories, and home goods.
The fonds is organized into the following series:

  1. Retail Shop Management and Administration
  2. Wholesale
  3. Events
  4. Artist-Vendor Relations
  5. Product Development and Merchandising
  6. Product Samples

Beatrice Pilon fonds

  • 14
  • Fundo
  • 1926-1979, predominant 1947-1949

The fonds consists of material Pilon created and collected when she was in China from 1947-49. Pilon worked for the Pioneer Timber Co., and attended the Medical College at West China Union University (WCUU), in Chengtu, Szechwan, China. Prominent themes among the fonds materials are the daily life of an international student in China, Christian missionary work in China, and discussions (among English speakers) on the contemporary Chinese Revolution of 1949.

Records include letters, photos from China and Tibet, local publications, and drafts of Pilon's essays. The fonds also includes an original book of Mongolian Folklore (1926) and other misc. related items. Also includes digitized copies of material, created by Pilon's niece, Jane Wagner.

The records are organized into the following function-based files:

  1. Correspondence
  2. Photography
  3. Collected Publications
  4. Personal Writing
  5. Ideas
  6. Passports
  7. Mongolian Folk Lore
  8. Blank Stationary
  9. Collection of Chinese Currency
  10. Stamp Collection

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Stallworthy Family fonds

  • 139
  • Fundo
  • 1856-1925

The fonds reflects the religious work and family history of Rev. George Stallworthy and his descendants. The fonds consists of correspondence and drawings related to the family's time in the South Pacific; 20 photographic portraits of family members; sermons, article reprints, and correspondence related to George Burnett Stallworthy's religious work and life; and a scrapbook containing memoranda, correspondence, photographs, clippings, pamphlets, genealogical research, and other ephemera from the Stallworthy family up to 1925.

The fonds is arranged into files based on the content and medium of the records.

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George Szanto fonds

  • 138
  • Fundo
  • May 1962

Fonds consists of eight slides of totem poles being raised in the Haida Village at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The slides are dated May, 1962. The photographs were taken by George Szanto, the son-in-law of Geoffrey Andrew who was the Dean and Deputy President of UBC from 1947 to 1962.

The totem poles represented in the images were carved by Haida artist Bill Reid and 'Namgis artist Doug Cranmer. They were originally situated at UBC's Totem Park. They are now located on the grounds behind the Museum of Anthropology, and modelled on a 19th century Haida village.

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Paddling to Where I Stand collection

  • 138
  • Colección
  • 1979 - 2003

Collection illustrates the gathering of information and writing of the book “Paddling to Where I Stand : Agnes Alfred, Qwiqwasutinuxw Noblewoman.” Includes interviews to Agnes Alfred conducted by Martine J. Reid and Daisy Sewid-Smith between 1979 and 1985. Interviews are documented as audio and video recordings and their written transcriptions, and other materials gathered by Martine J. Reid and Daisy Sewid-Smith for the edition and publication of the book. Collection also contains the manuscripts and draft for the book; correspondence between Martine J. Reid, Daisy Sewid-Smith and other people; eulogies and funeral pamphlets; Agnes Alfred’s family information; historical notes; and miscellanea. Collection includes photographic materials with photographs included in the book and additional photographs gathered by Martine J. Reid and Daisy Sewid-Smith during their research, and portraits of Agnes Alfred’s parents.

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Hakka Mountain songs and laments collection

  • 137
  • Colección
  • 1976 - [200-]

Collection consists of six compact discs with recordings of Hakka Mountain songs and laments, sung by Mrs. Yau Chan Shek-ying in 1976, along with accompanying documentation. Documentation includes lists of recordings with song descriptions, song translations/transcriptions, a photograph and bio of the singer, and articles collected by Elizabeth Lominska Johnson. The songs were sung in an older dialect of Hakka. Song types include marriage laments, mountain songs, and funeral laments.

Hakka mountain, or Hakka hill songs, are rural songs sung in the Hakka language by the Hakka people of Southern China. The songs vary in theme/subject, and exist as a kind of oral literature and/or communication at a distance.

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X̄a’islak̓ala/X̌àh̓isl̩ak̓ala (Haisla language) collection

  • 135
  • Colección
  • 1974 - 1980

Collection consists of Haisla cultural documentation and X̄a’islak̓ala/X̌àh̓isl̩ak̓ala (Haisla language) learning material, including sound recordings, stories, a dictionary, and lessons/workbooks. The collection has been divided into two series:

  1. Sound recordings
  2. Textual materials

E. Polly Hammer fonds

  • 134
  • Fundo
  • 1969-1974

This fonds consists of 136 slides taken by E. Polly Hammer on various trips to British Columbia, Alaska, Manitoba, and Minnesota during the time she was based in Manitoba. The slides primarily depict totem poles from throughout the Northwest coast, including carvings by Mungo Martin and Henry Hunt. There are also depictions of petroglyphs and other works of art, as well as buildings (houses, museums, forts, and other dwelling places) and landscapes. There are also several photographs of events attended and photographed by E. Polly Hammer. The fonds also contains a booklet with information on and images of totem poles in Prince Rupert, British Columbia.

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Collections Care, Management and Access fonds

  • 133
  • Fundo
  • 1948 - 2014

Fonds consists of records generated by the Collections Care, Management (CCMA) department at the Museum of Anthropology. These records include administrative records and planning material that document the work of the three units within CCMA: Collections, Conservation, and the Audrey & Harry Hawthorn Library and Archives. Record types include policies, loan documentation, acquisition documentation, object evaluations and photographs, conservation notes, teaching and special project files, exhibit planning material, correspondence, budget reports, and meeting minutes.

The fonds is divided into four sous-fonds, one for each of the three units within CCMA, as well as a sous-fonds for general CCMA administrative records:

  1. Collections
  2. Conservation
  3. Audrey & Harry Hawthorn Library and Archives
  4. CCMA Administration

Because of changes to the organization of MOA over the years, there are some overlaps in these functions, especially with older material. For example, there are likely some records relevant to conservation in the Collections sous-fonds and vice-versa.

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MOA General Media collection

  • 132
  • Colección
  • [1870] - [2000]

Collection consists of the media -including photographs, sound recordings, and video recordings - that is about, by, or related to the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) and its collections. Media can be found in many collections and fonds in the MOA Archives; the media in this General Media collection are those that do not belong to a more specific archival collection, usually because their provenance is not known.

The collection is divided into three series based on media type:

  1. Photographs
  2. Video recordings
  3. Sound recordings

Joi Carlin fonds

  • 131
  • Fundo
  • February 1987

The fonds consists of photographs documenting the welcome ceremony that occurred in February 1987 for the canoe project by Nisga’a carver Norman Tait. The Museum of Anthropology appears in the background of multiple pictures in which spectators can be seen gathered for the 1st cut ceremony of the canoe log. Norman The event included speeches as well as ceremonies and performances by Norman Tait and his close relatives. Joe David, Reva Robinson, and Bill Reid are among the other notable individuals that appear in these images.

James B. W. Cater fonds

  • 130
  • Fundo
  • [193-]

Fonds consists of five glass plate negatives taken in the early 1930s by James B. W. Cater when he worked for a farming company on Rapa Nui (Easter Island), a Chilean island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeasternmost point of the Polynesian Triangle.

Glass plate negatives feature: a young girl posed in front of a moai, the monolithic human figures carved by the Rapa Nui people; a portrait of a young girl; group portraits taken outdoors.

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Alan R. Sawyer fonds

  • 13
  • Fundo
  • 1940 - 1996, predominant 1974-1985

The fonds consists of records created and/or accumulated by Sawyer, predominately during his time as a professor and as a researcher at the University of British Columbia. Presently, there are two series in this fonds reflecting Sawyer’s research on the artifacts of Northwest Coast First Nation communities, including the: Tlingit; Haida; Tsimshian; Gitxsan; Nisga’a; Kwakwaka’wakw (formerly Kwakiutl); Nuxalk; Nuu-chah-nulth (formerly Nootka); and Coast Salish First Nations. The series contains slides, scrapbooks, photographs, textual records, and ephemera.

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Douglas Routley fonds

  • 129
  • Fundo
  • [195-]

Fonds consists of slides taken by Douglas Routley in the late 1950's on the University of British Columbia (UBC) campus. The slides feature a longhouse and totem poles. They were taken when Routley and his wife visited UBC in the late 1950s.

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Resultados 101 a 120 de 152