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archivistische beschrijving
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Textile Collections’ Management Records

Subseries consists of records pertaining to the management of the textiles collections held at the Museum of Anthropology. Areas of focus include records on conservation, storage, and display of textiles. Records include: correspondence, drafts of reports, reports, roll checking reports, notes, visible storage diagrams, drafts of procedures, textiles lists, budgets, textile project update report, invoices, membership lists, business cards, schedules of events, clothing and textile reports, vendor product brochures and lists, textile conservation workshop evaluations, applications for funding, textile conservation workshop programme records, invitation cards, a textile conservation portfolio, Textile Committee records, storage plans, conservation assessment reports, a proposal for a textile storage system, object descriptions, material samples, requisition forms, textile research project questionnaires, receipts, Clothing and Textile Collection history, flyer, recommendations, newspaper article, course list, grant applications, grant guidelines, assessments, brochure, notes, and meeting transcript.

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