W.R. Lord fishing grounds
Women in canoe
Wolf housepost, Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw), Mamalilikulla
Winter storm
[West Coast woman]
[West Coast woman]
Wedding Celebration
Wedding Celebration
Victoria B.C. Clams
Unidentified fishing boat
Ucluelet '48
Two women in canoe carrying goods
Trolling for Salmon on the Denice M.
Totem poles
Totem pole, Yuquot (Friendly cove) (?)
Totem pole, Yuquot (Friendly cove) (?)
Totem pole, Uchucklesaht
Totem pole, Mamalilikulla
Totem pole, Ehattesaht, Esperanza Inlet
Totem pole, Ehattesaht
Top section of the only standing totem left at Uchucklesaht, Vancouver Island
Top section of the only standing totem left at Uchucklesaht, Vancouver Island