Gillian Darling Kovanic fonds
Gillian Darling Kovanic fonds
Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Sharon Fortney fonds
Sharon Fortney fonds
Genni Hennessy fonds
Genni Hennessy fonds
Susan Point carving Flight (Spindle Whorl)
Gordon Miller collection
Gordon Miller collection
Lyle Wilson fonds
Lyle Wilson fonds
Northwest Coast artists series
Northwest Coast artists series
Ronnie Tessler fonds
Ronnie Tessler fonds
[Bill Reid with the Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]
[Bill Reid carving Spirit of Haida Gwaii model]