Affichage de 3801 résultats

description archivistique
British Columbia
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3033 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Douglas & McIntyre fonds
Douglas & McIntyre fonds
Genni Hennessy fonds
Genni Hennessy fonds
Helen Frances Codere fonds
Helen Frances Codere fonds
Helen Moore fonds
Helen Moore fonds
Joan Goodall collection
Joan Goodall collection
R.A. Brooks collection
R.A. Brooks collection
Richard Cotton fonds
Richard Cotton fonds
Victoria Yip fonds
Victoria Yip fonds
Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Totem poles of Prince Rupert
Totem poles of Prince Rupert
Thunderbird Park and provencial [sic] museum, Victoria, BC
Thunderbird Park and provencial [sic] museum, Victoria, BC
Totem poles and Vancouver sky line, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Totem poles and Vancouver sky line, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Totem poles on ground, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Totem poles on ground, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Totem poles, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
Totem poles, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
(Replica) Haida mortuary pole, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Haida mortuary pole, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Kwakiutl housepost #5, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Kwakiutl housepost #5, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
Tallest totem pole, carved by Mungo Martin, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C.
Tallest totem pole, carved by Mungo Martin, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Haida thunderbird and whale #16, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Haida thunderbird and whale #16, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Tsimshian and Haida memorial poles #9, 10, 13, 14, 15, + 17, Thunderbird Park, Victoria...
(Replica) Tsimshian and Haida memorial poles #9, 10, 13, 14, 15, + 17, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Tsimshian memorial poles #9, 10, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
(Replica) Tsimshian memorial poles #9, 10, Thunderbird Park, Victoria, B.C.
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 3801