Affichage de 44 résultats

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Douglas & McIntyre fonds

  • 42
  • Fonds
  • 1954 - 1985

The fonds consists of 83 images associated with two books published by Douglas & McIntyre: Bill Reid by Doris Shadbolt and The Raven Steals the Light by Bill Reid. The photographers responsible for these images are R. Dereth, R. Keziere, R. Lum and B. McLemore.

Sans titre

Genni Hennessy fonds

  • 48
  • Fonds
  • 2002 - 2003

The fonds consists of records relating to Hennessy’s 2003 MA thesis titled The Spirit of Collaboration: Exploring Critical Pedagogical Principles in Transforming the Museum Through Space and Time. Hennessy was interested in the relationships that developed between community members and museum staff during the process of putting together the Museum of Anthropology’s exhibit The Spirit of Islam, which ran from October 2001 to May 2002. Her purpose was to document the kinds of collaborative processes that occurred as the exhibit planning progressed in order to identify a model from which other museums working with communities might benefit.

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Helen Frances Codere fonds

  • 52
  • Fonds
  • 1955

The fonds consists of 28 black and white photographs taken by Codere in 1955 during her second field work expedition to B.C. 19 of the photos were taken in and around Alert Bay, while the remaining 9 were taken on Hope Island.

Sans titre

Helen Moore fonds

  • 53
  • Fonds
  • 1964 - 1974

The fonds consists of printed ephemera relating to First Nations art, correspondence, and photographs of Gitksan totem poles.

Sans titre

Joan Goodall collection

  • 57
  • Collection
  • 1926 - 1978

This collection consists of postcards and photographs collected by Joan Goodall. Areas depicted include Old Massett, Hazelton, Kitwangar, Port Simpson and other areas. Most images have totem poles or other massive carvings depicted.

“The Museum of Northern British Columbia with the wolf totem and two Haida poles”
– 1960 – 1 postcard : colour ; 8.5 x 14 cm.

“From Joan Goodall Aug/78 – Fertility symbol used on island of [Tan] during yearly festival on island of [Tanna]” – 1978 - 1 photograph : colour ; 12 x 9 cm.

“623” [people in front of cemetery] – [19-] –1 photograph : b&w ; 14 x 9 cm.

“623” [totem pole and dead tree] – [19-] – 1 photograph : b&w ; 14 x 9 cm.

“713” [wooden sidewalk with totem poles] – [19-] - 1 photograph : b&w ; 9 x 14 cm.

“713” [view of a wooden fence with a tree flanked by matching totem poles] – [19-] – 1 photograph : b&w ; 9 x 14 cm.

“The Lion Totem of Kitwangar, BC” – [19-] – 1 postcard : b&w ; 14 x 9 cm.

“Port Simpson, Totems” – [19-] – 1 postcard : b&w ; 14 x 9 cm.

“Alaska Indian Carvings” – [19-] – 1 postcard: b&w ; 9 x 14 cm.

“Indian Totem, Hazleton, BC” – [19-] – 1 postcard : b&w ; 9 x 14 cm.

“Indian Totems, Old Massett, BC” – [19-] – 1 postcard : b&w ; 9 x 14 cm.

“1926” [two totem poles in front of a wooden house] - 1926- 1 photograph : b&w ; 11 x 7 cm.

Sans titre

R.A. Brooks collection

  • 72
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1940 - 1950]

Collection consists of 81 b&w photographic prints of the Brooks heads and one of the Vancouver airport.

Richard Cotton fonds

  • 75
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1960 - 1969]

The fonds consists of four photographs taken by Richard Cotton of mortuary poles on an island in the Skeena River near Kitsilas, BC.

Sans titre

Victoria Yip fonds

  • 82
  • Fonds
  • 1923 - 1936

Fonds consists of theatre programs from Victoria, opera clippings, photographs of the Chinese Carnival in 1936, a copy of the Chinese Times, and Yip’s reminiscences of the establishment of The Chinese Canadian Times in Vancouver and the Chinese Opera in Victoria.

MAN 1997-007-001 : Chinese Times, 1936, article on Chinese Times, Willie Le[-]o n.d.

MAN 1997-007-002 : Cantonese Opera clippings, n.d.

MAN 1997-007-003 : Six photographs of Chinese Carnival, Vancouver, 1936

MAN 1997-007-004 : Theatre program from Victoria, B.C., 1923

MAN 1997-007-005 : Theatre program from Victoria, B.C., with poetry on back written by Yip’s father, 1930

Sans titre

Ken Kuramoto fonds

  • 61
  • Fonds
  • 1980 - 1981

This fonds consists of 39 16mm film reels of Celebration of the Raven. There are also five audio reels which are soundtracks for the film. Film reels include stills and test stills and camera originals. Most reels are labeled according to the scene.

Sans titre

Jonathan Griffin fonds

  • 60
  • Fonds
  • 1974 - 1978

Fonds consists of a paper written for Anthropology 301 taught by Professor Dr. Michael Kew, entitled [Red Cod Island Village or Ninstints Village] - A Memorial, with accompanying colour slide images of the carved poles of Anthony Island, a permanent village of the Kunghit Haida, located on the southern shores of Haida Gwaii.

Sans titre

William Carr fonds

  • 86
  • Fonds
  • [1949 or 1950]

The fonds consists of black and white photographs and negatives. Subjects depicted include villages, boats and ferries, landscapes, bridges, logging clearcuts, and totem poles. Some of the photos appear to be of the Lions Gate Bridge, Stanley Park, and the Capilano Suspension Bridge.

Sans titre

A.F.R. Wollaston fonds

  • 10
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1915-1919

The fonds consists of photographs likely taken by A.F.R. Wollaston in Uganda, the Congo, New Guinea, and Fiji. Also included are the envelope in which the photos were posted, and a note from M (Marjorie Halpin) to Audrey (Shane? Hawthorn?) regarding the donation of the photos to MoA.

Sans titre

Kuldip Gill fonds

  • 7
  • Fonds
  • 1978

Fonds consists of 21 photographs from the 1978 Bill Reid pole raising ceremony at Skidegate, an event at which Gill was an observer.

Sans titre

Ronnie Tessler fonds

  • 12
  • Fonds
  • 1986 - 1987

The fonds consists of photographs created by Ronnie Tessler between 1986 and 1987 documenting a canoe project by Nisga’a carver Norman Tait. The project was abandoned in the summer of 1987, and the canoe was left uncompleted. The photographs depict models for the canoe, transportation of the log for the canoe to the Museum of Anthropology, ceremonies performed throughout the project, and various stages of work on the canoe and model. Additional photographs from this period depict a totem pole-raising ceremony at Capilano Mall in North Vancouver, as well as portraits of Les Baker, a model Tait wanted to use for a “white man” mask. The fonds is arranged into a single series: Norman Tait canoe project and related materials.

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Hilary Stewart fonds

  • 122
  • Fonds
  • 1962 - 2005

Fonds consists of material related to the art, research, and writing of Hilary Stewart. The bulk of the material is related to the production of her books on the culture and art of the First Nations peoples of the Pacific Northwest. The remaining material relates to illustrations that she did for publications by other authors, a small amount of material done for personal use, and collected research and ephemera that does not appear to be related to one specific publication. Material includes original illustrations, collected research and notes, book drafts and pre-press materials, photographs, correspondence, and collected memorabilia.

The material has been arranged into three series:
1 - Books
2 - Illustrations and other artwork
3 - Collected research and ephemera

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Ewen MacLeod collection

  • 46
  • Collection
  • Digitized 2011 (originally created June 1927)

The collection consists of three photographs of St. George’s Residential School in Lytton, BC.

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Fred Ryckman fonds

  • 22
  • Fonds
  • [1920-1936]

The fonds consists of records created by Ryckman during his tenure with the Department of Indian Affairs, primarily from the 1920s and 30s. The fonds includes contact sheets made as copies of photographs that remain in possession of Ryckman’s heirs. Records in the fonds take the form of notes and correspondence. Also included in records is a ledger which contains census information. The fonds also includes photocopies of newspaper articles relating to members of the First Nations whom Ryckman came into contact with as a result of his work as well as materials relating to Ryckman himself.

The fonds consists of the following files:

1-1, Ledger Book [Original & Copies], c. 1920
1-2, Photographs [Negatives & Contact Sheets], c. 1920
1-3, Articles and Correspondence [Photocopies], 1922-1936
1-4, Kootenays [Typed & Handwritten transcipts], c. 1932

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Lilo Berliner fonds

  • 145
  • Fonds
  • Nov. 1968 - 1975

Fonds consists of negative images of petroglyphs largely from the Pacific west coast of North America. Most of the images are from sites located in British Columbia, but there are also images from sites in Washington State, New Mexico, and other areas of the United States and Mexico. There are also images of artifacts, masks, totem poles, wood carvings, and graveyards. Images of family travels, landscapes, wild animals, and house cats are interspersed within the collection.

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Reverend Smith Stanley Osterhout fonds

  • 89
  • Fonds
  • [1870-1911]

Fonds consists of 45 glass-plate lantern slides featuring scenes from Osterhout's work with B.C. First Nations, including Haida, Tsimshian and Kwakwaka'wakw. Images document First Nations individuals, communities, totem poles and landscapes of British Columbia.

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George Szanto fonds

  • 138
  • Fonds
  • May 1962

Fonds consists of eight slides of totem poles being raised in the Haida Village at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The slides are dated May, 1962. The photographs were taken by George Szanto, the son-in-law of Geoffrey Andrew who was the Dean and Deputy President of UBC from 1947 to 1962.

The totem poles represented in the images were carved by Haida artist Bill Reid and 'Namgis artist Doug Cranmer. They were originally situated at UBC's Totem Park. They are now located on the grounds behind the Museum of Anthropology, and modelled on a 19th century Haida village.

Sans titre

Résultats 1 à 20 sur 44