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Japan Inglês
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193 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Japanese medicine box

Japanese medicine box on display in visible storage in the Museum of Anthropology. The placard next to it has identification numbers for Pueblo pottery.

Japanese medicine box

Japanese medicine box on display in visible storage in the Museum of Anthropology. The placard next to it has identification numbers for Pueblo pottery.

Japanese medicine box

Japanese medicine box on display in visible storage in the Museum of Anthropology. The placard next to it has identification numbers for Pueblo pottery.

Japanese medicine boxes

Japanese medicine boxes on display in visible storage in the Museum of Anthropology. The placard next to them has identification numbers for Pueblo pottery.

Japanese medicine boxes

Japanese medicine boxes on display in visible storage in the Museum of Anthropology. The placard next to them has identification numbers for Pueblo pottery.

Japanese medicine boxes

Japanese medicine boxes on display in visible storage in the Museum of Anthropology. The placard next to them has identification numbers for Pueblo pottery.

Okinawa display

Display showing items from Okinawa in the old Museum of Anthropology. Shows a loom, a model boat, pottery, and other items. Uncertain relation to exhibits.

Resultados 1 a 20 de 202