Showing 435 results

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Haida Gwaii
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357 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Robert Davidson pole raising
Robert Davidson pole raising
Two men recovering a house post from SG̱ang Gwaay (Anthony Island)
Two men recovering a house post from SG̱ang Gwaay (Anthony Island)
Totem poles on Anthony Island
Totem poles on Anthony Island
Totem poles on Anthony Island
Totem poles on Anthony Island
Totem pole on Anthony Island
Totem pole on Anthony Island
Totem pole lying on the ground
Totem pole lying on the ground
Totem pole being lowered
Totem pole being lowered
Totem pole being lowered
Totem pole being lowered
House post in situ on Anthony Island
House post in situ on Anthony Island
House frontal totem pole on Anthony Island
House frontal totem pole on Anthony Island
House frame on Anthony Island
House frame on Anthony Island
Anthony Island totem poles
Anthony Island totem poles
Basil and Edythe Hartley fonds
Basil and Edythe Hartley fonds
Pole raising, Haida Gwaii
Pole raising, Haida Gwaii
Grizzly Bear Pole at T'aanuu Llnagaay
Grizzly Bear Pole at T'aanuu Llnagaay
Haida mortuary poles at SGang Gwaay Llanagaay
Haida mortuary poles at SGang Gwaay Llanagaay
Mortuary poles at SGang Gwaay
Mortuary poles at SGang Gwaay
Haida mortuary poles at SGang Gwaay Llanagaay
Haida mortuary poles at SGang Gwaay Llanagaay
House frontal totem pole being lowered
House frontal totem pole being lowered
House frontal totem poles
House frontal totem poles
Results 1 to 20 of 435