Affichage de 642 résultats

description archivistique
Alert Bay
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490 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer
Totem Pole close up
Totem Pole close up
Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Paddling to Where I Stand collection
Paddling to Where I Stand collection
Traditional B. C. Coast Architecture
Traditional B. C. Coast Architecture
Western Canada Moments
Western Canada Moments
Totem Poles, Alert Bay, B. C.
Totem Poles, Alert Bay, B. C.
Totem pole in field
Totem pole in field
Two totem poles in a field
Two totem poles in a field
Preparing salmon
Preparing salmon
Alert Bay Community Centre
Alert Bay Community Centre
Two women in front of Alert Bay Community House
Two women in front of Alert Bay Community House
Kwakiutl Totem Poles outside St. Michael's Indian Residential School
Kwakiutl Totem Poles outside St. Michael's Indian Residential School
Kwakiutl Totem Pole
Kwakiutl Totem Pole
Kwakiutl Totem Poles, British Columbia Canada
Kwakiutl Totem Poles, British Columbia Canada
Résultats 1 à 20 sur 642