Affichage de 115 résultats

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47 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Western Gitxsan school photographs

File consists of photographs of school children, activities, and classroom scenes in the Western Gitxsan villages of Kitwancool (Gitanyow), Kitwanga (Gitwangak) and Gitsegukla (formerly Kitsegukla).

Western Gitxsan general

File consists of photographs of people, places, and events in the Western Gitxsan villages of Kitwancool (Gitanyow), Kitwanga (Gitwangak) and Gitsegukla (formerly Kitsegukla) during the time that Jensen and Powell lived there.


File contains historical photographs of Gitxsan villages, with a specific focus on totem poles and various buildings in the villages. There are also some images of the Gitxsan people in regalia. The textual records contain information to some of the photographs, listing the photograph's title and the museum and/or archive it originated from.


File consists of photographic prints depicting Gitanyow cultural objects from other institutions. Many of the prints are annotated with handwritten, stamped, or typed information about the contents of the images or their original repositories. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA Object ID A50019 in MOA's Great Hall.

Research Notes

Sub-series consists of mostly textual records in addition to photographs, negatives, slides and contact sheets. The textual records are both handwritten and typed notes, as well as publications of other authors. Research topics undertaken by Halpin include Tsimshian art, Marius Barbeau’s work, the Kitwancool, Gitksan art and William Beynon. Photographs and negatives are mostly of masks, totem poles and rattles.

Résultats 1 à 20 sur 115