A corner of the village [Nausori, Fiji]
A gramophone[?] entertainment
A hill[?] village square [Nausori, Fiji]
Above the Ka[__?] rapids, upper Congo
Acacias and park like country at 3000 ft. - Lake Ruisamba
A.F.R. Wollaston fonds
A.F.R. Wollaston fonds
Bakonjo, Uganda, [?] building
[Bird by river, Nausori, Fiji]
Camp at Bujangolo[?], 12,500 ft.
Camp at Pariaman[?], upper Mimika
Chained prisoners [road making?], Kasongo
Child in canoe, Upper Mimika
Cleared jungle, Snow Mts. in distance [New Guinea]
Congo near Kibombo, just outside the forest
Congo River rapids
Convict (a Chinese [man]) [New Guinea]
Fiji policemen
Il barbiere [The barber]
Jungle [New Guinea]
Lady, Congo