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Showing 1430 results

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Totem poles English
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1292 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Initial carving stages at Haida Gwaii
Initial carving stages at Haida Gwaii
Carving and installation at MOA
Carving and installation at MOA
Respect to Bill Reid pole
Respect to Bill Reid pole
Pole arrives at MOA
Pole arrives at MOA
Respect to Bill Reid pole slides
Respect to Bill Reid pole slides
Quatsino source book
Quatsino source book
Jacquie Gijssen’s slides of R. Davidson’s Pepsi-Co Commission
Jacquie Gijssen’s slides of R. Davidson’s Pepsi-Co Commission
Peabody Museum, Boston
Peabody Museum, Boston
Stan Greene
Stan Greene
Walter Harris
Walter Harris
Jim Hart, Haida carver, working on a copy of an Old Masset pole
Jim Hart, Haida carver, working on a copy of an Old Masset pole
Pole raising in Haida Gwaii
Pole raising in Haida Gwaii
Bill Reid pole
Bill Reid pole
Child and totem pole, view two
Child and totem pole, view two
Skeena Crossing totem pole
Skeena Crossing totem pole
Kitwanga totem close up
Kitwanga totem close up
Totem poles in valley
Totem poles in valley
Chief Skedan
Chief Skedan
Totem poles at Massett
Totem poles at Massett
Charles Edenshaw in prov. museum
Charles Edenshaw in prov. museum
Results 1 to 20 of 1430