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Affichage de 2705 résultats

description archivistique
Museum of Anthropology
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1291 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

President's Planning and Coordinating Committee fonds

  • 123
  • Fonds
  • 1971 - 1976

The fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, contracts, and reports relating to the Planning of the Museum of Man (later Museum of Anthropology). The fonds includes information pertaining to the planning for the new museum, building needs, museum function, and the Functional Program which outlines the results of decisions the committee made.

Sans titre

Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer

The records in this sub-series relate to the development and implementation of the exhibition curated by Jennifer Kramer titled Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer. Records in the sub-series also relate to the development and publication of Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer, authored by Jennifer Kramer and published in 2012 by Douglas & McIntyre. The exhibition featured the artwork of Doug Cranmer (1927-2006), a leading practitioner of Northwest Coast Kwakwaka’wakw art. Kesu' took place at the Museum of Anthropology from March 17 to September 3, 2012, the Museum at Campbell River in Campbell River, BC from October 19, 2010 to February 17, 2013 and the U’mista Cultural Centre in Alert Bay, BC from May 11 to October 8, 2013. Kramer received the 2012 British Columbia Museums Association's Museums in Motion Award of Merit for the exhibition. The book designer Jessica Sullivan received the 2012 Alcuin Society's award for First Place in the pictorial category.

Files in the sub-series consist of exhibition and publication planning notes and related correspondence, research materials pertaining to the career and life of Doug Cranmer, interview transcripts, photographs, funding proposals, object loan agreement forms, photography permission agreements, interview release forms, contracts and financial records, marketing plans, book drafts, exhibit text and labels, promotional materials and printouts of digital photographs of art work.


Series consists of records relating to exhibits curated by Jennifer Kramer. The records span the entire breadth of the intellectual creation process, including research material pertaining to exhibition subjects, transcripts of interviews used for research and publication purposes, administrative files and notes and correspondence pertaining to exhibition design, installation and publication development. Fonds currently has records from only one exhibit; additional exhibits material expected.

The series is arranged into sub-series relating to a specific exhibition:
Sub-series 1-A: Kesu': The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer (1964-2012)

Cedar tree exhibit

Includes material related to Cedar exhibit at the Museum of Anthropology in November 1984.

Model, B. Reid, Raven and Clam myth

Image of Bill Reid's small boxwood sculpture "The Raven Discovering Mankind in a Clam Shell," which he completed in 1970. He was later commissioned to make a much larger version of this sculpture for the Museum of Anthropology, which he titled "The Raven and the First Men."

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