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Museum of Anthropology
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1291 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Raven and the First Men installation and unveiling

Three photographs donated by carpenter who worked on the installation of The Raven and First Men at MOA. One photo shows him (Ernie Forsyth) next to the sculpture. The other two photos are from the sculpture unveiling with Prince Charles speaking. Photos have additional notes from donor on the back, and in the envelope that photos were donated in (saved with the photos).


File includes one photograph of Canadian Museum of History Object ID VII-G-354 which is a Tsartlip grave figure. The contents of this file were used to create object labels for MOA's Great Hall.

Eulachon PR

Includes plan for travelling version of Eulachon exhibit, and a copy of "Tlaxwesa Wa" Strength of the River: A One-Hour Television Documentary (by Barb Cranmer)

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