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archivistische beschrijving
Museum of Anthropology
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Annual Report 2002-03

The report outlines the museum's activities and finances for the previous fiscal year, including listing staff, attendance figures, acquisitions, exhibitions, educational activities, public programming, events, loans, research projects, and publications of the museum and its staff. It includes descriptions of the museum's plans for the renewal project A Partnership of Peoples.

Tahltan photos

Photographs labelled: Tahltan River, Rock at 6 Mile, Sockeye - Bear Creek, Glen Simpson and Gerard Edzerza(?) - Bear Creek, Walter Carlick July 1985, and Willie Brown - 6 Mile.

Tahltan report/commentaries [and photos]

Includes copy pf "The Tahltan Project Final Report - Stage 3" from the Mehodihi exhibition, as well as photos that appear to be of the exhibition opening event.

Tahltan student activity sheets

Includes student activity sheets and photographs. Students were visiting the museum from Tahltan school, most likely during the Mehodhi exhibition.

Portraits of unidentified individuals

Portraits of 11 individuals. There is no identifying information or indication of what they were taken for, but based on date on back of image they may be related to Mehodihi exhibition.

Tahltan material and exhibit reviews

Scans of press articles about the exhibit; comments from community members on the project; correspondence; printouts of photos from the opening

Museum visits - CMA Award

Photographs from Canadian Museum Association awards ceremony and photographs of visits to museums with Indigenous exhibits

Trip to MOA Tahltan exhibit opening 2003

Includes ethical review form for students to interview people after the exhibit opening, a press release about opening, draft budget from 2002, and draft program for exhibit opening.

Exhibit reviews

Includes correspondence and meeting minutes about developing a process for formal exhibition review after the exhibition closes.

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