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Mostrando 722 resultados

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Material Culture
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493 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Two women working on silk worms
Two women working on silk worms
Don Bain Massive Carvings Documentation Project
Don Bain Massive Carvings Documentation Project
Young girl in front of a moai
Young girl in front of a moai
Girl with group of moai
Girl with group of moai
Woman at her weaving (Kalimpo[n]g)
Woman at her weaving (Kalimpo[n]g)
Silk temple hanging
Silk temple hanging
Silk temple hanging
Silk temple hanging
Painting: two whales on wood
Painting: two whales on wood
Unidentified painting on wood
Unidentified painting on wood
Carvings on display in store or home
Carvings on display in store or home
Carvings on display in store or home
Carvings on display in store or home
Carvings on display in store or home
Carvings on display in store or home
Killer Whale Arch at the entrance to Kwatiutl Indian Cemetery
Killer Whale Arch at the entrance to Kwatiutl Indian Cemetery
Killer Whale Arch
Killer Whale Arch
Tree with carved face
Tree with carved face
Painted sheet at Alert Bay event (?)
Painted sheet at Alert Bay event (?)
Two men in ceremonial dress, Alert Bay
Two men in ceremonial dress, Alert Bay
Painted sheet at Alert Bay event (?)
Painted sheet at Alert Bay event (?)
Masks and small canoe carving displayed on table
Masks and small canoe carving displayed on table
House poles and frame
House poles and frame
Resultados 1 a 20 de 722