Showing 722 results

archivistische beschrijving
Material Culture Engels
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493 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Chilkat robe and other items
Chilkat robe and other items
Bill Reid
Bill Reid
Packing 1975
Packing 1975
Mrs. Matilla Jim weaving while Andrea LaForet looks on. (Mt. Currie)
Mrs. Matilla Jim weaving while Andrea LaForet looks on. (Mt. Currie)
Domestic Life
Domestic Life
Technology and Exchange, Kula Trade Ring
Technology and Exchange, Kula Trade Ring
Technology and Exchange, Kula Trade Ring
Technology and Exchange, Kula Trade Ring
Bill Reid
Bill Reid
Wood: Technology and Process
Wood: Technology and Process
American Southwest
American Southwest
Vancouver Island rag rug and other contemporary examples
Vancouver Island rag rug and other contemporary examples
American Southwest
American Southwest
Puget Sound raffia
Puget Sound raffia
Alaskan baskets with elephant image
Alaskan baskets with elephant image
Hopi baskets
Hopi baskets
Puget Sound raffia
Puget Sound raffia
Resultaten 1 tot 20 van 722